Sunday, January 20, 2013

Compare and Contrast

Even though I am not American, the look on Michelle Obama's face at the inauguration of her husband's second term as the President of the United States floored me.  Could she be any less gracious?

And if this isn't distasteful enough, check out the "First Daughters" they look bored and unhappy.  Surely witnessing history would elicit some kind of emotion???

Compare the above with the look of pride in GWB's stance and countenance and the look of sheer pride and happiness on Laura Bush's face in this photo:


  1. One of them loves his country. The other does not.

  2. And Lady Gag Gag will be performing, Fay. How perfectly apt.

  3. As much a non-fan as I am (and I am a charter member of the non-fan club of President Obama), sometimes pictures catch us at our worst when it is only something fleeting or even unrelated we are responding to.

    Not that I'm interested much in creating excuses.

    On the other hand - Lady GaGa? SRSLY? Because that's EXACTLY the kind of class and dignity befitting the office of the President.

    Maybe she can wear a dress made out of poopy toilet paper or something. You know, as an artistic statement.

    1. GotS - You may not know this but our U.S. Ambassador to Italy and the Secretary of State went to war with the Italian Government to ensure that Lady GaGa was permitted to perform in Italy and to make gay right statements.

      I disagree with your premise: Lady GaGa *IS* in fact a perfect representative of USG. As it's actions on her behalf readily demonstrate.

      I know that it is very difficult for patriotic Americans to realize that their government is now their enemy and is a hostile, alien force, but, on the other hand, there were some early Americans who concluded that *their* once-beloved government was a hostile, alien force, and they did something about it.

    2. Oh, I know about the Lady Gaga in Italy situation. Because that's EXACTLY how we need to tell other countries to behave. Let our trash in! YOU MUST! And we will wave our Constitutional rights which don't apply to other countries at you to achieve what we want!

      But of course, the country at issue was ITALY. Not, say, fighting for her "right" to promote gay rights in Iran, where gays are routinely hung from cranes. Oh no - let's dial it back in places with real torture of homosexuals, in places where homosexuality can mean horrific death and torment.

      If Lady Gaga was any bit the brave crusader she portrays herself, that's where she'd be. But she's a poser. Much like the vast majority of our current crop of politicians.

      I totally get your point in regards to this. And it is a good one.

  4. Well, I take the First Lady's graciousness at her own words, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country..." - which she said twice in the space of a week so I'm guessing she meant it.

    In other inaugural news, the crowd wasn't quite what it was in 2008 so they ended up shifting everyone around to fill empty spaces...


  5. "...sometimes pictures catch us at our worst when it is only something fleeting or even unrelated we are responding to."

    I don't disagree with you on that GOTS, but these are the official White House photo's that I'm assuming the President and First Lady approved for publication and distribution. I don't know about you, but if I was FLOTUS I would have told the official White House photographer to deep six these.

    1. Michelle Obama made her own bed and then rolled her eyes at it, so I'm not really trying to point anything out for her. Mostly, as much as the double standard in regards to the Presidential children vs. my children bothers me, I was just referring to the uncomfortable First Daughters.

      But absolutely I would have thought those pictures would have been on the ax pile.

  6. Take a look at how gracious she was to John Boehner today.

    1. Isaw that florrie. Her table manners are dredful, hunched over her plate, one arm on the table...

      And then Obama picked his nose at the end of the clip :(

    2. The eye roll thing is unforgivable, but since I still haven't gotten past Benghazi I guess it's just tossing pebbles in the Grand Canyon.

    3. Yeah, I hear you, GotS. It's the treasonous media that gets to me. Either from being so cowed by him or so enamoured of him - or both - they quit doing their jobs in 2007 and our country is suffering for it! Benghazi is a huge part of that!

    4. Didn't her mother teach her any table manners? Yoohoo...paging Henry Higgins! Henry Higgins to the White House, stat!

      It's the media that get to me too florrie. They are reprehensible, trivial, and disgusting. They've sold their honor to serve as a propaganda machine, and I despise them.

      Benghazi? Swept under the rug by the fawning Obama fanboyz of the 4th estate.

  7. Not to mention the prez chewing gum throughout much of the ceremony.


    1. No. Class.

      There fixed that for ya :)

    2. tee hee

      All the tacky behavior no longer bothers me, I've come to expect nothing more. Sad, really.

    3. The way he was digging for gold at the luncheon table, that might not have been Doublemint he was chompin' on. Ewww! :))

  8. Threadjack - can we please defenestrate David Brooks?

    There's not going to be any "debate", Brooks, because anyone who disagrees with the God Emperor will be excluded from civil life and demonized as insane and dangerous.

    1. defenestrate

      I had to look that up lewy. Excellent word, most extremely excellent word :)


    2. A bit of modern-European history from high school which remains lodged in my brain: the Defenestrations of Prague.

      That and the Diet of Worms.


    3. Oh, what a delightful word! I'm familiar with "fenestrate", as in a fenestrated sterile drape for medical procedures, but "defenestrate" is a new word that I had to look up(and which I intend to use liberally). ;p

      Yes, by all means, let's defenestrate David Brooks!

  9. OK, I'll look it up too. Sounds like something we would enjoy doing to Brooks...

  10. Just be certain the window is on a high enough floor. First and second story defenestrations are usually called 'escapes'.

    Besides, from a higher story, it gives the defenestree a chance to contemplate.

  11. Lewy, I read your link, and now I need to find a new site to harrass under the name Baron Hohenfall.

  12. Speaking of Benghazi, if the "Accountability Review Board" report doesn't convice you are government is out-of-control, arrogant, self-interested--all of which might be acceptable if it were not also hopelessly inept--I'm not sure what else to tell you.

    Believe me, I know that I can and will be left to die out here if the system needs me to. Which is why I do not ever, ever rely on USG for an escape plan.

  13. Well, Jourdan, I believe you've described our government to a T.

  14. In all fairness, I just heard that a lipreader said Boehner was joking with the prez that he must want a cig and he knew who was stopping him from smoking. You can see that Obama was smiling at what he said and that quip is the reason why Michelle rolled her eyes. Understandable but you'd think she'd be careful like most very high profile, important people, knowing the camera is always on them in public.

    1. I'm sure Laura Bush endured much worse when her husband was President.

    2. No doubt about that, Matt. The Five was contrasting journalists reactions to the Obama v. Bush 2nd inauguration. The gushing and adoration for BO was everywhere you looked Monday (to the point of nausea); compare that to Laura being asked if it "wasn't inappropriate to appear to be partying when there are 2 wars going on". It was sickening to see.

    3. Whatever the lip reader saw, the First Lady's body language before the eye roll showed that she was less than gracious about being where she was.

      It never hurts to go the Scarlett O'Hara route in regards to parties where food will be served and eat before showing up so you look your best when the cameras are on. Does that suck to have to do? Yes.

      Too bad. Life isn't fair sometimes.

    4. If she can take her million dollar vacations on the tax payer dime, then she damn well better take the having to be gracious when the camera is on her, I know, taking responsibility for ones actions is so unfair.

    5. Honestly, you guys? I have to go back to my original comment about her saying "for the first time in my life...". I believe she truly doesn't give a damn what anyone else thinks about her - tacky behaviour included.

    6. Except for the fact that she spends a lot of the taxpayers money on herself, and she she is facilitating the destruction of the country, I really don't care about here, either.

      And I thought she was proud of the county four years ago, anyway.
