Friday, May 18, 2012

Steyn, 'nuff said.

With his usual temerity and hesitance, Steyn tackles "born in Kenya" Barry and "woman of color" Elizabeth Warren. Oh, and he takes no prisoners in case you were wondering.
"He was born in Kenya to an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister." And then in April 2007, someone belatedly decided to "check" the 16-year-old "fact" and revised the biography, a few weeks into the now non-Kenyan's campaign for the presidency. Fancy that!
"Harvard Law School hired its first woman of color, Elizabeth Warren, in 1995." There is no evidence that Mrs. Warren, now the Democrats' Senate candidate, is anything other than 100 percent white. She walks like a white, quacks like a white, looks whiter than white. She's the whitest white since Frosty the Snowman fell in a vat of White-Out. But she "self-identified" as Cherokee, so that makes her a "woman of color." Why, back in 1984 she submitted some of her favorite dishes to the "Pow Wow Chow" cookbook, a "compilation of recipes passed down through the Five Tribes families." The recipes from "Elizabeth Warren – Cherokee" include a crab dish with tomato mayonnaise. Mrs. Warren's fictional Cherokee ancestors in Oklahoma were renowned for their ability to spear the fast-moving Oklahoma crab. It's in the state song: "Ooooooklahoma! Where the crabs come sweepin' down the plain."


  1. Ooooooh, Mark, I'm swooning already :)

  2. "Ooooooklahoma! Where the crabs come sweepin' down the plain."

    Whatever Steyn is smoking... I want some!

  3. I love this stuff. While I try not to be a total wacko (it's too late, I know, I know ...), I find the similarities of the false bios fascinating, WTF? sort of way. Soooo ... to add to the fire, so to speak, is Barack senior really Obama junior's father? Given sweet little Stanley Ann already had round heels & jungle fever, with a proclivity for disposable husbands (which she maintained contact with none the less)just what proves Barack senior was daddykins? Was Barack senior merely the most "prestigious" choice, at the time of her surprise pregnancy, among various bed time partners for sweet little studentish Stanley Ann?

    Stanley Ann's "career" as a perpetual "student," subsequent "academic," and later a USAID dudette is fertile ground for examination, eh? Enquiring minds need to know just when in all that time did she acquire food stamps? I mean besides the "father" who served in WWII (there really were older family acquaintances who did serve) and the uncle who liberated Auschwitz (apparently while serving in the Soviet Army) ... oh, wait, he freed Buchenwald while serving in a supply unit they can't pin point the location of beyond England ... yada yada yada.

    And... of course, we haven't yet been told the story of Obama's distant Comanche relatives and Arapaho cousins, who collaborated on a cook book, etc., shortly after discovering some Mestizo roots caused by a round heeled ancestor squaw on a weekender, etc.

    There, I've done my part for conspiracy thought .... :D

    1. Post of the week, hands down.

    2. Ari, your post reminded me of something I read on PJM last night - Roger Simon speculating on why Obama would lie about where he was born.

      One of the commenters responded with some really compelling speculation of their own, and concluded with this thought:

      It is not surprising that Obama is not honest with the American people. Noone was honest with him when he was growing up.

      I'm a rough contemporary of Obama. I was born out of wedlock in sketchy circumstances. My (adoptive) parents were very brave for leveling with me about my origins. Everything they ever told me checks out. This was actually kinda rare for the era; I remember some of my parents less-close relations and friends expressing shock that the little boy (me) actually knew he was adopted, and the circumstances thereof. The "best practice" of "making up stories" was widespread.

      I don't mean to absolve Obama of responsibility here - but I think the commenter Roger Simon's thread is really on to something here.

      As for Elizabeth Warren - I don't see what her motives could have been except for cynical manipulation. Fabricating narratives out of half truths and total lies to serve her own ends is her MO.

      E.g., she tells a good story about what's wrong with Wall St. Lot's of it is true. Problem is she doesn't tell the whole story, and the part of the story she tells serves her own interests (chiefly (heh) to justify more power for wannabe little fascist apparatchicks (sic) like her).

    3. Lewy ... Interesting. Even plausible. However, the comment on PJM seems to cite one wrong as justified by another.

      Some how, given your own story, I doubt BHO's is a even a slight match per se. BHO had a father that split when he was a toddler, a mother and step father who left him with grandparents, etc. So yeah, he could have had a rejection complex. Made worse, I'm relatively sure, by the odd scenario of his grand parents' and mother's lives in general...much of it contrived, and eerily connected to government....e.g., they all just seem to fall in to unique positions one after another. The more I learn the odder they all seem.

      In short, I pretty sure outright lying was household de rigueur for the Dunhams and their get.

      I have a small amount of experience with people who had to lie to live and go about daily business. In my case, my acquaintance (and three times love) was and is a perfectly honorable person whose job required cloaks on just about everything. It got redundant to the point you just didn't consider it important anymore.

      I sense a parallel in the Dunham story, with less honesty, much less. In Obama's case, he may just not even know.

  4. "Ooooooklahoma! Where the crabs come sweepin' down the plain."

    LMAO! Awesome one-liner!

    My mom has been rolling and howling in mirth over EW's genealogical oopsies. It's been excellent entertainment.

    EW has bitten herself on her pasty-white derrier, and continues the dizzying calliope ride on a daily basis. She SHOULDA said "Look, MF's! I was trying to level the playing field! Getting into a decent school back then as a white female? FUGGEDABOUTIT." Or she COULDA said "Oops! My bad. Sorry!" But no.

    With all her prestigious education, the elite educators failed to teach EW the first rule of holes.

    She's toast. Cherokee toast. The recipe for which is plagiarized from a French chef. :))

  5. Mark Steyn ~ How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

    His writing is witty, biting, ironic, it's a real treat for me to read his articles.

    Thanks, Fay, for posting it.
