Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Merchants Of Despair

Bill Whittle, saying the things that GOP politicians would be saying if they were not well, politicians first, rather than patriots first.  The best thing I've seen from him since his 'Tribes' pieces.


  1. An uplifting number to begin the day.

  2. Wow! Great video, he did another one that was also excellent comparing the gnashing of teeth by Pelosi et al when gas prices soared during GWB's term and compared it to the crickets chirping now.

    Thanks, Dances. I hope those (mainly evangelical) conservatives who are considering staying home on Nov. 6 are listening.

  3. Any dipwad evangelical conservative who stays home on election day, should immediately, on the day after, distribute all of their possessions and savings and future paychecks to all of their neighbors. Because, it is what they "voted not present" for ....

    I'm beginning to consider the, hopefully remote, possibility that the One will have a public melt down before the election, or his minions will to the extreme. This banging the drum of class & race hatred is reaching epic peaks lately. All this could lead to real violence, up close and personal. The mitigating factor is the election is in November ... were it August, I'd be buying extra ammo & beans about now. I'm convinced that Obama is of the type that would burn his own house down if things didn't go his way ... he'd be quite happy to take everyone else down with him.

    It's said that Nixon had a conniving & dark side ... let it be said then that Obama has a vacant & narcissistic side. He makes Nixon look like a prince from where I sit.
