Sunday, June 26, 2011

Peorians Living In Fear

I am going to post this in full, because the link is VERY iffy.  It has taken me about 12 tries to get this up enough to copy & paste:

This eye-witness account is from Paul Wilkinson, president of the Altamont Park Neighborhood Association:

"Tonight, around 11 p.m., a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. They were physically intimidating anyone calling for help from the police. They were surrounding cars. Cars on the main drag had to slam on their brakes to either avoid the youth blocking not only all four lanes, but a large section of the side street as well. fights were breaking out among them. They were rushing residents who looked out their doors, going on to porches, yelling threats to people calling the police for help.

Cars were doing U turns on the streets just to avoid the mob, mostly male. One youth stated his grandfather was white and several assaulted him on the spot. One police officer answered the call. The youth split into two large groups, one heading north, the other south. They were also yelling racial threats to the police officer but he was outnumbered. Another police car did not show up until after the youth finally dispersed and the patty wagon (van) also eventually showed up.

Residents are very shaken, both black and white alike. This is the fifth large mob action in about a month with smaller groups of 10-12 are out threatening children and adults a few evenings a week or later into the night. The times vary, even occuring during the day. In talking to the police officer, they are short staffed. Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors. In other words buckle down, it’s not even safe to sit on your porch or go into your yards."

“The fifth large mob action in about a month.” Wow. This is really outrageous. Why is this neighborhood having to put up with this? “Residents were advised to simply keep inside and to lock their doors”? Seriously? That’s the best we can do for our fellow citizens’ safety?

This needs to be addressed, and quickly.

Combined with the flash mobs organized on Twitter and Facebook to rob stores en masse, and the group attacks on whites being (carefully under-)reported all over the nation, I have to wonder just what the Hell is going on.

Is it only me, or does this seem to have increased five or sixfold since the election of our 'post-racial' president?

Expect things to only get worse for the next 16 months, and to reach a crescendo of violence when Barry is dethroned.

At least in this, he has succeeded in bringing America down to third world status.


  1. What is going on with this stuff and the "flash robs"? The perps are exclusively black in every store video I've seen (and CBS chose not to include video in the latest one, at a Mag Mile Walgreens). WTH is happening???

    I'm really glad we got our CWP.

  2. The good people of Peoria need to exercise their second amendment rights. When a dozen of these assholes get plugged by the citizenry, they'll settle down. If not, plug a dozen more.

    Illinois seriously needs to nip this blatant civil disobedience in the bud. If they don't, it's a short step to full-blown riots.

    It's a cinch that Holder won't prosecute these thugs utilizing hate crime laws, because non-white criminals get a free pass in this administration. If our illustrious attorney general won't grab the skinny little twerp who was ranting about "killing cracker babies", he won't come anywhere near this.

    It disturbs me that this is the FIFTH time this has happened this month in Peoria, and I haven't heard a word about it until tonight. What the hell else is going on that we don't know about?

  3. When I lived in Seattle that you could always tell the race of a criminal suspect in a news story if they did not mention race. If they did not mention race, you knew that the suspect was black. I even heard a story once where the police asked the public to be on the lookout for a suspect. They described everything, but omitted race. That is ludicrous.

    I do not for a moment believe that black people are any more predisposed to crime than any other people. I do believe that any group of people -- that is constantly being told that they are not responsible in any way for their situation in life and that others are to blame -- will behave this way. These people need to be told to get off their lazy asses and get to work rather than be spoon-fed a load of crap. They will be happier and better off in the long run, and so will society.

  4. Lady Red, you are not advocating racist violence and genocide, are you?

    I know you are not, but heaven help the cracker who tries to protect himself. He'll have the Justice Department on him like a dirty diaper.

  5. No, I'm not advocating racist violence (or genocide). Sorry if I was unclear. According to DWT's post, the good black people of Peoria are as terrorized as the good whites. I AM advocating self-defense. Folks have a right to protect their person and property.

    No one should live in terror of mobs. Maybe Big Sis will protect the residents of Peoria? Hah. Fat chance.

  6. OK, this is a little <tinfoil-hat/>, but here goes... it just me, or does it strike others as well that the whole "black folks running wild" phenomena is a broke blue state thing?

    Illinois is the brokest of the broke.

    "Peoria" is perhaps unique among places in Illinois - it's an idiomatic synonym for the heartland of the country ("will it play in Peroria"?)

    If the police in Illinois wanted some job security (and with the state of the budget, they aren't stupid to worry heavily about their job and their pensions), they could do worse than to stir up some trouble like this...

    ...just sayin'.

    It's likely there are a whole lot less folks in Illinois tonight who are less OK with cutting the police budgets. How convenient.

    I'd like to see some youtube / cellphone videos of these mobs. It has to be the case that somebody got some vids of this.

  7. It is all so damned disgusting.

    At this point in time there is no reason for black Americans to be anything but Americans.

    In the 1960's Black Americans had Martin Luther King, who was pro-family and pro-work and wanted his people judged on the content of their character.

    Since his murder, they've had self-aggrandizing fools like Jesse Jackson and Rainbow Push(the money towards me) Coalition, and Al Sharpton of Crown Heights, Tawana Brawley 'fame'.

    Of course, sad as I am to say it, once again, blabk Americans have been screwed by whites. Specifically white Democrats, who after Jim Crow was destroyed by a Republican administration (Dwight Eisenhower) and the 82nd Airborne, turned to a 'Great Society' that made black men superflous, and in fact turned the mostly black inner cities of America into the largest slave plantation in US history.

    And most especially remember how Lyndon Johnson, after the 'Negro family Destruction Acts' were passed, made the backroom comment 'We'll have the ni**ers voting for us for 100 years'.

    Yes, that was a rant. Sorry.

  8. Lady Red said:

    'The good people of Peoria need to exercise their second amendment rights.'

    However, as you shuold expect, Illinois is the most restrictive of the states when it comes to self-defense and firearms rights.

  9. Please excuse all typos in the above posts, sigh.

  10. Lady Red, i hope you saw that I knew that was not your point. My point was that that would be the conclusion if any of the threatened whites did try to protect himself. I agree, the current "leaders" are only in it for their own gain. If "racism" went away today, these people would be out of work and -- more importantly -- out of power. They get to keep their positions as firemen by throwing gas on the fire.

    The election of Obama has done nothing more than to make the situation worse.

    I agree with Dances in a broader sense, the places with the highest crime rates are the places with the most restrictions on the citizenry. They do not go after the people who are really causing the problems, but they will go after the average citizen in a heartbeat.

  11. Matt, LOL! I just wanted to clarify my remark for anyone who reads this thread who doesn't know me like you all do. :)

    Lewy, your tinfoil hat comment is intriguing. It's not just that they're broke blue states; they're broke union states. I'm not sure that uniformed police officers would knowingly stir up this dangerous kind of trouble, but I wouldn't put it past the union bigwigs. They need dues-paying members to line their sorry pockets.

  12. I think Lewy's point was "Is this really going on or is it just stories being spread to scare us into paying more taxes. I want to see some proof."

    Lady Red, I'm glad you know that I know you better than that. But you know that someone looking in on the post will think that anyway no matter what else you said.

  13. The above is the reason why I don't suffer neo-Confederates and other slavery apologists gladly.
    Thanks a fucking bunch to the Southern slave-holders and slave-breeders for planting this eternal thorn in America's side.

    Which is now, inexorably, moving towards its heart.

  14. Matt - both, actually.

    I think lady red's take is possibly more accurate - yeah it's kinda tough to see cops seeding mobs - though firefighters do commit arson now and again. But generally, no - the firefighters (and the cops) are the ones who have to face the danger; they'd be goats for sure if their fellow officers got hurt and their role was exposed.

    But the union goons...

    And also, I'm wondering if we're getting accurate reports - it seems these events are pretty effectively "calibrated" - more smoke than fire - I get the feeling there is some effective leadership behind these mobs, and "we" (the rest of the country) are being "trolled"... I have a nose for trolls, and I'm disinclined to feed them reflexively.

    solus - agreed.

    Next time we pick our own damned cotton.

  15. OK spoke too soon maybe about more smoke than fire...

    ... but South Carolina? WTF?

  16. Just another day in the black-on-white intifada, lewy.

  17. This latest wave of wilding started during the Labor Day weekend. And yes, it appears to be more coordinated than usual. But... I don't think we're in that movie now. Where seemingly guilty Black turns out to be but an unwitting tool in the hands of the villainous White.

  18. Solus, not just southern states are responsible for this mess. Slavery, though "officially" abolished, wasn't abolished in fact until:

    1845 in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire
    1848 in Connecticut, and
    1865 in New Jersey.

    There is tons of blame to go around for the whole slavery thing, but once we'd spilled the blood of over half a million white Americans to shed ourselves of slavery (isn't that reparations enough?), we should have either paid for blacks to return to Africa (which some did), or allow them to incorporate into American society. Warehousing them in ghettos, destroying their families by creating a welfare system that doesn't allow the father to physically live with mom and kids, and treating them like helpless pets who can't be expected to pull their weight or use their brains is a progressive invention that is just as morally wrong as slavery, IMO.

    However, I fail to understand why the inner city black community doesn't throw off the yoke. There are millions of blacks who have; intact families that own a home in the 'burbs, go to work every day, pay to send their children to college, and write a check to Uncle every April. I'm sure these families are as terrified of the "wilding" savages as white and hispanic families are.

    One thing I do know; I'm tired of paying for prisons to cage the lawless thugs and gangstas. If we end the failed "social engineering" that got us into this morass, these youths will have a narrower list of options: pack up their bags and move to some shithole African country, acculturate into American society and work for The Man, start their own business enterprises, or starve. It's amazing how different the world looks after working your ass off for a ten hour shift instead of standing on the street corner looking like a dope.

  19. Well, this is what I saw routinely in Berkeley from 1989 to 1993. The only difference between then and now is that there seems to be slightly more of it now; the racial triumphalism on display in Washington seems to have lowered inhibitions a bit.

    But, still, this is nothing new. I was in Berkeley when young women were picked out at random, raped, tortured and killed. Their attackers were so dumb (think, like the guys who videotaped their rape of a young Latina in Texas on their cellphones) that they were caught in a few hours. was no story.

    It wasn't on the local news, it definitely wasn't in the SF Chronicle. It still isn't on the news nearly as much as you'd think it would be.

    However, I'm tired of raging at the injustice of it all. If one is a European-American and are at this point NOT aware that most Blacks hate your guts and WILL take the opportunity to kill you and your family if the whim suits them, then you are (forgive my language, but it is the only term appropriate) one fucking dumbass.

    I mean, I kind of feel sorry for the young ones, the fresh college students and the like; they've been raised in The Best of All Possible Worlds and can be excused for not realizing that their dad and mom busted their ass to afford that "boring, white-bread, suburban" home Johnny complains about.

    Kind of.

    In any case, after seeing the 40th or so victim beaten for being White by "poor" youths who always had the most expensive fad clothes and the latest electronic gadgets, while the official media shrilled for them night and day, I swore eternal hatred.

    It's sad, because there have been more than a few Black people I have liked, and there is an aspect to their racial genius that is undeniable...the art, the music, the robust love of the moment, athleticism, grace under fire.

    But, the reality is they would stomp my son into the curb and laugh.

    So, they are my enemy.


  20. " Slavery, though "officially" abolished, wasn't abolished in fact until:

    1845 in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire
    1848 in Connecticut, and
    1865 in New Jersey."

    Well, that's 20 years prior to the Civil War in PA & NH, 17 years prior for Conn.

    Only NJ held on until the war was in force.

    Be aware also, the Emancipation Proclamation was political, in that it ended slavery only in those states in active rebellion against the Union, it was designed to help keep Britain out of the war on the confederate side, AND it was put off repeatedly until there was finally a Union victory, so that it would not seem like desperation on the part of Lincoln.

  21. Slavery was entirely an American innovation, and no one engaged in it except for white people in the United States. And it lasted so long.

    You certainly do not see slavery today in Africa, or anything.

    Of course not.

    Slavery was, and is, an abomination. But while slavery existed in the US, my Irish ancestors were being starved by the English. Boo Hoo. That was 150 years ago. Wrong, yes, but let us move on and resolve not to let it happen again. The welfare state has done more to destroy blacks than slavery could ever have done. Now that the Democrats know that they can count boxes of ballots found in unlocked broom closets, the Dems really don't even need blacks for their votes anymore.

  22. It seems that America kept taking wrong turns throughout history in its relationship with Africans/Blacks. I am deeply convinced that without valid scientific view of race and mutual understanding of racial differences (both cultural and innate) we'll never arrive at any modicum of civilized co-existence.

    Of course, if KevinV is right, and I fear he is, it may be too late for that.

  23. What country did a better job of it?

  24. I disagree completely, solus. Although I do disagree respectfully, though. :)

    I'm not sure that a scientific view of race means anything, and the reason I am far from convinced of that is everywhere else in the world.

    Let's look at the Hutus and Tutsies first, as they are quite well known - how are you going to define race in this case? In the United States, both Hutus and Tutsies, as well as their descendants, would all be lumped together despite their African history.

    Afghanistan is another good study in ethnic relations. I would not want to be a Hazara in Afghanistan - aside from not wanting to be in Afghanistan for any reason whatsoever.

    And that's not mentioning the developed world: it would suck to be Ainu in Japan.

    I think that, unfortunately, it is human nature in large groups to look for an us vs. them situation. It is both a mental relief and a physical outlet. I mean, think: It's not MY fault my cows are all dying! That Tutsi is poisoning them! And: why would you waste effort of education for them? They are only Ainu. They can't learn.

    Why would the United States be any different? We're quickly losing those facets of our society - the ability of people to work hard and succeed - which made us stand out in the past. Without a unifying theme for everyone in a country to get behind, we become no more than a bunch of groups together out of habit.

    I have more thoughts on this, but thanks to my meds, I'm having a little trouble collecting them all. I'll just stop here. :)

  25. AFW said....

    Without a unifying theme for everyone in a country to get behind, we become no more than a bunch of groups together out of habit.

    I think you've more in just that sentence than most "experts." When meeting new people today, how many of us, black, white, brown, or whatever, look for things in common instead of differences? "Differences" are "easy", and many of us, regrettably, fall in to the trap you've cited... earlier ... differences = bad.

    We may have lost the "us" for the "me" in our thinking. Have we lost our unifying them?

    I know that in my travels over a lifetime I've found more in common with others in other cultures than differences ... but then, again, I was looking for that. I'm really no different in the USA, and I am not naive either ... I just pay appropriate attention to problem issues without losing focus on what we have in common.

    I have many more thoughts on this, too, but being in Montana at the moment, I'll save them for places to go, things to see...

  26. "I realized there are no answers to why this happened and there is no lesson in this story."

    It takes a special kind of willful stupidity not to see any. The one KevinV was taking about.

  27. SR -

    As has been our usual custom for the past years, I believe we feel the same certain sense of very regrettable but nonetheless unavoidable certainty about the current state of affairs. I'd like to think that our strong feeling of regret and unhappiness about our judgment forgives its unyielding nature, but perhaps I flatter myself in that regard.

    On the "there is no lesson in this story" girl, I think that she is aware of the lesson and the answers. The problem is that if one admits them, one is not only a bad person, one has by his or her own reason helped bring about a state of affairs that can only lead to a great deal of violence and discord, needed to resolve the lesson and answer the question.

    Most people are unable to take that step.

    While I am not afraid to take that step, I can say in all honesty that not only have I found myself unwilling to act on my convictions, I have deliberately ordered my affairs so as to make that impossible, while absenting myself from the issue abroad, with the purely selfish goal of perserving my family whatever may come.

    I don't know what is worse: the kind of willful blindness she displays, or the knowing refusal to act as conscience and duty dictates I display.


  28. DWT said ...

    Expect things to only get worse for the next 16 months, and to reach a crescendo of violence when Barry is dethroned.

    Not with-standing what I said about seeking commonalities; it is plain fact that within the minority community most take the easy path of railing against perceived differences. Real or not, historically founded or not, and do so out of an ignorance nurtured within their evolved "culture." This is a mutant culture.

    Regrettably, though I my prefer my way of interchange, I know it isn't the future ... not for me or any sane minority of any color. Too many instigators have too much to lose if sanity prevails ... this mob mentality is refreshing to those people.

    Along the lines of Kevin V's words regarding inevitability, I anticipate what DWT has predicted. I fully expect it and will prepare to meet it. Considering where I live, I am sure it will very ugly. It is being proposed as we talk about it, the flash mobs of bigotry are only the test now. Practice if you will.

    The subtle threat is there ... re-elect the Jug Eared Messiah or else. "Or else" will come to pass anyway as victory dance, either way...not necessarily as any rage against a potential loss. In this, Kevin is on the mark.

  29. "I realized there are no answers to why this happened and there is no lesson in this story."

    Typical knee-jerk reaction, dishonest as hell.

  30. AFW:

    Unlike Rwanda, unlike Afghanistan, unlike Japan, and unlike almost any other country on Earth, America has expended untold amounts of treasure and toil to bring in the Black equality. It went so far as to upend its entire national identity and historical legacy -- the path that leads to a national suicide -- only to bring the Blacks (and later, other underperforming non-white minorities) "in the fold".

    We're all familiar with the results. Less justice than ever and still no social peace. Why? -- in so many words, Blacks (as a group, many worthy individuals notwithstanding) have not held up their end of the agreement. Despite all the goodwill extended their way -- unprecedented in history and geography -- Blacks' hostility has only intensified.

    Again, why? My (and a few others') position is that Blacks will forever perceive Whites as their historic and current oppressor. And any gift from an oppressor, especially an undeserved one, is poison. Besides, it just doesn't work. Even with whites discriminated against in favor of NAMs, the latter keep underperforming. The result: Whites resent the wealth transfer to undeserving (as they see it) NAMs, and Blacks resent being unjustly held down by Whites (as they feel), (and White liberals are glad to oblige by inventing ever more ethereal "social causes" of Black underachievement: "institutional racism", "stereotype threat" etc.) The vicious circle is formed and perpetuates itself.

  31. Part II:

    This is where scientific understanding of race comes in. The right social policies certainly can decrease the social pathology of NAMs, compared to its current level. But, no social engineering can be counted upon to completely level the group outcomes, which everyone seems to expect.

    Understanding that racial inequality of outcomes stems from the innate racial differences (biological and cultural) in average abilities can lead us, finally, to adopt the individual approach (feels somewhat paradoxical, but that's what I believe).

    To be continued, possibly.

  32. Solus ... you've lost me on what you mean by this ....

    ...finally, to adopt the individual approach...

    I look at my approach now as "individual" ... e.g. anyone I meet gets a 50/50 rating, in other words, null .... I'll form my opinion from the behavior and speech I observe.

    Where "race" is concerned; I am very aware (Detroit & east Dearborn, remember) that my preference does not work on any large scale. The mutant culture around me prevents a quid pro quo.

  33. Solus ... I should add that, IMO, no "social engineering" as you've referred to it is worth spit. It's most often not even close to scientific and a political sham ... the results are mutant cultural norms in the ghetto black community that decries anyone even appearing to achieve on merits ... e.g., acting white.

    Enough whites also subscribe to this kind of thinking as well, such as the dust up in Wisconsin recently (& still on-going ), that the situation seems pathetic, beyond the tipping point perhaps. I don't like being that cynical, but my choice is .... ???

  34. I still don't agree. I DO agree that America has made efforts unknown and unprecedented anywhere else in the world.

    I do NOT believe that the "Us vs. Them" phenomenon is anything different than what is in other places, though. Us vs. Them is not going to change, particularly when you add a social pressure towards holding yourself off from the rest of society. Which is a lot of the so-called social education given today, and not just to minorities; it is emphasized between girls and boys as well, much to the detriment of boys (when they are young) and girls (when those boys grow up).

    Expending social treasure to tell someone they should "celebrate their differences" is just paying them to think they are better. Which I think humans in large groups are already inclined towards, anyway.

    Not that I'm against celebrating different cultures. The fact that I absolutely adore Cinco de Mayo celebrations (having grown up in CA, we did this every year, and it was a seriously good time) doesn't mean that I think it would be better to be in Mexico. Because if I did, I would be. Nor does Chinese New Year make me wish to be Chinese.

    The problem in the education and money expended is that human nature tends towards an inclination to feel superior. ALL human nature - no matter what color they are. This is why parents get into serious arguments about parenting styles. If someone else's style works, it must mean you're raising your child wrong(wrong, but don't try to convince many parents of this). So the way that things are currently taught, it only exacerbates a natural human tendency.

    A tendency we see illustrated in Rwanda, in Japan, in Afghanistan, and in every other country in the world. And in the father in My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

    Oh, and also in those idiots who jump in front of the sports cameras at the end of games screaming, "WE'RE NUMBER ONE! HI MOM!"

    The differences we choose to separate ourselves by are not even necessarily racial. The Hutus and Tutsis are not genetically different. Nor are the various Bosnians. The thing is, people consistently choose SOMETHING, even if it is just a sports team. And once such a choice is made, it is human nature to refuse to see that it might not have been the best choice. People are committed, they don't want to be wrong. They want to be better.

    It's not caused by anything different in the case of minorities in the United States. It's just funneled differently.

    And may I recommend the book Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind as a very good fantasy take on this entire conversation? Actually, SR, you'd probably hate the book, as it's part of a modern fantasy series and has no bondage in it that I'm aware of (totally joking with you here), but the way Goodkind describes the relationship between the two peoples of Anderith is incredible.

    Goodkind is a Randian, by the way. Ayn, not Paul. The entire Sword of Truth series is based on this.

  35. All of us look at this issue from our own perspective; there are some very interesting points and observations being made by everyone.

    I personally think America's woes are unique in the world's history; no other culture has gone to such ridiculous lengths and expended as much vast wealth to "even the playing field" as the United States. It doesn't work. It breeds hatred and resentment, and we've begun to reap the whirlwind.

    If we don't jettison this failed social experiment, I fear it will drag us into some very dark places. Most people do not want riots, lawlessness, and violent social unrest, but if we don't change our ways, we're headed for hell on a superhighway, IMHO.

  36. Absolutely, lady red. Spot on.

    I understand the drive to try and make things better - I truly do. And I try to put my money where my mouth is with my charitable donations and my volunteer time (well, when I'm not trying to heal a Zombie Stomach). But no matter where someone's heart is when they try to help, the truth is that those things we are given freely are the things we value least.

    Which is why we see welfare recipients wearing designer clothes and listening to the latest hits on iPods. Or abuse of food stamps. And the dumbing down of education (elementary and higher). If you don't have to work for something, it doesn't mean anything to you.

    Especially when it is labeled a "right".

  37. OK, these are social policies I would get behind:

    Raze the entire race industry to the ground and saw the ruins with salt. Adopt restrictive, discriminating immigration policies. Treat all citizens as individuals, equal before the government and the law; allow no group privileges, and do not be concerned with "disparate impact".

    At the same time, allow complete freedom of association in the private sphere (with possible exclusion of private institutions providing otherwise unavailable public service -- obviously the details will have to be worked out). I also support universal secondary education, with strong meritocratic approach.

    More abstractly, we either have to separate completely along the racial lines (not what I would prefer), or Whites have to reacquire their civilizational confidence and lead by example. Individual racial background will be neither a handicap, nor an advantage; nor any ethno-racial group's collective underperformance would justify group privileges.

  38. And again.

    How is one supposed to retain even a marginally postive outlook in the face of unrelenting Black intifada?

    I hear thee, KevinV. I still have a heart of a liberal. And in this heart, I still wish Blacks were, basically, just like Whites, only with deep tans.

    But I also have a brain of a realist. And thus I cannot unsee the truth I have seen. However incovenient it all is.

  39. A social peace that I envision would be along the lines Jared Taylor describes in his recent interview with Derb:

    "My work will be done when the following two things happen: At a PTA meeting in Dubuque, Iowa, a Hispanic parent complains that not enough Hispanic children are getting into the gifted program. A white mother explains that it is simply a matter of different group averages, and that the selection process is fair. The meeting moves on to the next agenda item."

    "That same year, the senior senator from Massachusetts explains his vote on the newly-passed immigration reform bill by saying that he wants to be sure his grandchildren do not become a racial minority."

    Yeah, I know.

  40. solus - I totally agree with this: Whites have to reacquire their civilizational confidence and lead by example.

    Not only is this a necessary condition, I'd say it's a sufficient one.

    One conjecture which I'd have you consider: the real issue is in fact the destruction of cultural and national confidence is the center of gravity here, race is just a facet.

    And the program of destruction is largely perpetrated by a powerful minority of (mostly) whites, to further their own power and wealth at the expense of just about everyone.

    It would be obscene for me to suggest that "race is just a distraction" in the face of the documented attacks in this thread - but I do believe that the elites are using race to distract and divide. It's a means, not an end, in the larger agenda.

  41. Lewy said but I do believe that the elites are using race to distract and divide. It's a means, not an end, in the larger agenda.


  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. lewy14:

    All true. Ostentatious patronage of minorities is, in fact, an element of intra-White status competition. However, I also believe that White liberal elites buy into their own bullshit, at least to a degree. And that degree varies from crook to crook. (Remember late spring of 2008, when Hillary made a show -- or was it genuine? -- of running as an "openly White) candidate. A day late and a dollar short, alas.)

    The importance of White elites being (partially) sincere in their Negrophilia is that White racial guilt over the past injustices done to Blacks in the nec plus ultra reason of our country committing national suicide, (even as we speak). That is also the reason why race cannot be dismissed as a mere "distraction".

    I also believe that only a rational and objective, scientific understanding of race and racial differences can lead us to step off that road and shrug off the manacles of racial guilt. Obviously, science is a human thing and thus may be affected by human follies. Still, it's as close to the truth as we can expect to get.
