Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ruh Roh, Rauf

The globe-trotting Imam is in for an Excedrin Headache day; it's been unearthed that his close buddy, some crazy-cat named Faiz Khan, is ...wait for it...a truther.  A Hollywood screenwriter couldn't make this stuff up!

A founding member of an organization run by imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the lead protagonist for the proposed Cordoba mosque near Ground Zero, has made claims that the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 were an “inside job” and that Muslims have been falsely and improperly made into scapegoats.

1 comment:

  1. Well, of COURSE they didn't do it!

    It was conceived and carried out in 9 months, by the evil genius idiot Boosh, along with thousands of others, in the CIA, construction & demolition trades, the International Zionist Conspiracy, adinfinitum, ad nauseum.

    Not ONE of whom, since that vile day, has ever let anything slip about the plot.

    And we can just thank Heaven that no other of the media has gone on Crusade* to expose this poor innocent muslim truther.

    *Used here in its true meaning, as a fully-justified, defensive war against an evil force. Just as it was during the original Crusades.
