Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I hate that frickin index finger. Does he think we are all naughty kids in the school yard?

I'm not even American and I feel like he is scolding me. Be gone with the finger already.


YEAH! That'll work, or not.


  1. Michelle has had a hard enough time breaking his prior habit of using his pinky, Dr. Evil style. Leave the poor guy alone.

  2. Oh, at first I thought you'd typed STFU, which is exactly how I feel about Barry.

  3. Lucky guy merely has to sit back for four months and watch the GOP contenders tear each other to shreds. Collect talking points for the presidential "debates". And smile all the way to a second term. Finger a-wagging throughout.

    Un-be-lievable. With 300 million Yanks and a dangerously-incompetent naif as POTUS, and the best that the GOP can produce are these monkeys? "Party of Lincoln", my a**...

  4. The lunacy is unending:

    Gingrich promises moon base 'by the end of my second term'..."We will have the first permanent base on the moon and it will be American,” Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich said in Florida Wednesday

    Words fail...

  5. Newt also promised a unicorn to every settler at his new base.

  6. trait Moon[T]
    object Moon {
    def apply[T](x: T) = new Moon[T]{}

    val newt: Moon[Unit] = Moon(())

    (funnier if you know the Scala programming language. Earl - I never did pick up Erlang but Scala is awesome.)

  7. Yoohoo Lewy, over here.


  8. Yay! Pictures are working again in the comments! Well done Vikram, er, I mean Lewy. :)

    Florrie: Newt also promised a unicorn to every settler at his new base.

    Settlers? They'll be accusing you of apartheid if you're not careful! And then the Palestinians will claim their everlasting homeland on the moon. Wait - that's not such a bad idea after all!

    Ooh, he's sneaky, that Newt! :))

  9. annie, I'm so dang forgetful...happy, happy belated birthday and many more for 100 years! Mazel tov, my friend!

  10. Florrie, your memory is miles better than mine! Thank you for the birthday wishes. At this stage I'm quite happy if my birthday is forgotten, LOL!

    Meanwhile it was my blog's birthday too! Just yesterday in fact :)

    Thank you to all of you here who have inspired me both on my own blog and in the conversation in the Kitchen. I'm so glad I have such good e-friends.

  11. Annie is amazing, as I've posted on her blog...a gem worth daily reading that doesn't prompt overly wordy vitriolic comment, but promotes thoughtful analysis.

    As for the SOTU ... I watched the first few minutes, but had to desist once the overwhelming urge to projective vomit overcame me.

    Keep in mind ...


    Or this ... whichever works, eh.

    Mr. JEM-Finger never disappoints:


  12. Whoopsie ... looks like "img:" isn't working in Opera. Dang!

  13. So, I'm reading that Shelly Adelson (self-proclaimed "richest Jew in the world") and his wife have pumped $10M into Newt's campaign.

    Well and good- Adelson is a non-idiotarian writ large, and a real friend of IL. But maybe he could get Newt to focus on more matters terrestrial than lunar?

  14. I've tried to post a couple times about the finger...

    Pointing your finger in my face is a good way to get it broken. Or at least get yourself punched. NOT that this is a threat against the President (because I'm not Jacob Volkman), and not that I don't have any self-control and sense of situational appropriateness. Because I do, and I won't let fly whenever the urge is upon me.

    Which is fairly frequently.

    But just as a round, encompassing warning: Don't. Point. Your. Finger. In. My. Face.

    You'd think his handlers would be trying desperately to break him of that habit. Adults tend to take such behavior amiss.

    You know, 'cuz we're not recalcitrant children.

  15. Yes, you'd think they'd break him not only of that habit but also sticking his nose up in the air and looking down on everyone. But then again, the guy can't do anything right in my book, lol.

    Note to self: If you ever meet afw, be sure not to point in her face. I'm more scared of her than Jacob Volkmann. :)

  16. Speaking of the JEM, I just saw this picture of him on Drudge. WTH is that, an extra lip? Ew.


  17. OK, I'm going to say something positive about him.

    He has nice eyes.

  18. Congratulations annie! I really enjoy your place, and your success is a testament to the quality of your excellent commentary.

  19. Thanks Lady Red. You've all been too kind. I admire you all here for leaving our old "home" and setting up a wonderful new place for us to continue our conversation in a civil atmosphere. May you too grow from strength to strength!

  20. I don't know which irritates me more; Obama's "finger-in-your-face" mode of speaking, or the way he looks down his nose when he's bothered by the little people.

    But in the spirit of florrie's big-heartedness...I think Obama has a nice...home in Chicago.

    He needs to pack the Uhaul and get back to it.

  21. Thanks for the nice words annie! I'm so thankful each and every day that I didn't lose all of you when the DL imploded.

  22. No, Earl - The fact that the US does not have a base on the moon was the fail, and a massive one, at that.

    After being the first (no wait, it is still only nation to have reached Luna, it required terrible short-sightedness to let it go for decades while NASA's abilities deteriorated to the point that it's biggest job became a self-esteem builder for muslims.

    We should have had scientists, geologists and other specialists there for all of this time.

    The moon has more surface area than the African continent, the possibility of nearly unlimited solar power and no environment to screw up while looking for a variety of minerals that are becoming scarce on the Earth.

  23. @ DWT

    Thx., I'd had a rough day. That was a real tonic!

  24. Those *are* excellent points, Dances! Aside from that, I think he was mainly pandering to the good folks of Florida. And his time frame to accomplish such a thing was totally unrealistic, as usual.

    However, I thought my comment about unicorns was a nice touch :-)

  25. @ flo

    It was. But you missed "fluffy bunnies". You missed "fluffy bunnies"...


  26. Weren't the fluffy bunnies declared unsafe after attacking Jimmy Carter?

  27. As a Canadian conservative (read, small-"l" liberal), I am in disbelief that the 2012 US Presidential election could run off between:

    1. A finger-wagging, aloof, dangerously naive TOTUS


    2. Newt's brand of conservatism:
    Having the children of his FIRST WIFE attack his SECOND WIFE about things that she has said about the THIRD WIFE all while portraying himself as the candidate of "Family Values" (h/t to a Globe poster), all whilst promising billions in new expenditures.
