Friday, January 27, 2012

LOLcat Vikram Sayz...

i m in ur templatz hakin ur codez.

[Please step away from the template momentarily. Thankyouveddumuchyes.]

UPDATE: the immediate status quo antebellum has been restored. I'm going to continue to futz with things - unless lady red want's to check out the sitemeter issue or some such...

UPDATE2: OK, going to try to revert back to threaded, embedded comment posting now. Cross fingers.

UPDATE3: So far so good. Embedded, threaded comments seem to work - with images. Not getting any weird blank page behavior. What are others seeing?

UPDATE4: Status == "Seems to work for us". (Nothing is forever in tech-space.) The feature roll-out that Blogger is doing could yet cause "aftershocks"; if things stop working, don't panic, odds are it can be fixed. The small amount of custom script we employ seems pretty resilient.


  1. antidisintermediationistIsTheNewAntidisestablishmentairan. imgw:""

  2. Yay! Pictures in comments! Everything is simply WONDERFUL lewy! I'm in firefox; how is it working for those of you using explorer or opera?

  3. From what I can see it seem as though we have everything we want, sans the winning lotto ticket and the Kitchen Table villa in the South Pacific.

  4. omg. Seems to work in InternetExplorer, even.

  5. I'm so glad! DWT should have no problems then...I hope he likes the new curtains and the pretty blue paint.

    Yoo hoo! Dances!

    1. Great job Vikram!! Everything works for me in Chrome, have not tried IE yet.

      And, LOOK! Isn't that Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms coming through the trees?

  6. So, the "fix" was basically the Blogger-style extended dance mix version of have you tried to rrrebooot your computor?

    Moving to the new template simply reset whatever was messed up.

    The "template" technology directs some code execution on both the server (Blogger) side and the client (web-browser) side; some of the server side stuff looked as though it might have gotten mangled somehow, but damned if I knew for sure, or how to fix it. I figured starting with a "fresh slate" might help. So far, so good.

    1. Great job lewy, thankyouverymuch. We buy you big brewski when you come visit.

  7. I'm seeing everything okay as well, in Firefox, on my computer circa the Dead Sea was still sick when I aquired it.

    Nice pic of my great nephew in Barbados, did you get that from one of my old comments?

    1. Yes! I just grabbed it from my very old image test thread on my testing blog; we were all posting images there (almost two years ago! Yikes!) and that image was especially large. Wanted to do a comment post which tested the images and formatting.

      Thanks Matt and Fay for testing Safari and Firefox!

    2. No Problem, thanks for doing all the actual work!

  8. LOLcat Vikram is headed out for some nom nom. I'll check back later.

  9. FWIW, I think it looks great. So long as all of my favorite brilliant young ladies and cranky old farts are still here... That's all that really matters.

    Ok, I'm going back under my rock to study some more. I have 4 days to remember the 2 semesters of calculus that I took 20 years ago. I'm still somewhat optimistic about it, but that will likely change in the next few days...

    1. LOL Alphie, good luck with the calculus. But don't ask me for any help.

      All I know is 2 + 2 = 4

      I am still a Brilliant Young Lady however.

  10. Wow! What beautiful new decor! I'm just catching up from Shabbat spent away (at our son in an eeevil settlement) and then continuing up to Jerusalem for hubby's aunt's 90th birthday party.

    So I open up the computer and think I've drunk one too many Lechaim's. :)) (that's a test smiley...).

    Kol Hakavod (Well done), to Lewy14 for the template transfer, fixing the comments and all the other backroom stuff. What a pleasure to read at the Kitchen Table now. (I'm on Firefox on my desktop in case you're interested).

    1. And now to test the reply feature, and I'm on an iPad too ( a double test) . So far so good. Here goes IOS 5

    2. Yay! Received loud and clear! (Or is that sent loud and clear? Hmmm.) (testing image...) img:""
