Sunday, January 29, 2012

Is Allen West Being Redistricted Out Of Office?

Florida has gained two new representatives from the 2010 census, so it would seem that a popular first-term congressman with a possible stellar career ahead of him would have no worries.

Unless of course, he is not so popular with the Florida GOP as he is with the voters.


  1. I don't understand why and how ANY Republican legislator can not love this man:

    It's a video clip of a speech from Rep West - and I still can't post it correctly, sigh.

  2. So he'll just get elected from the new district that is created. I just do not understand the people who brought us Bob Dole and John McCain as Presidential candidates.

  3. There are probably a couplet things going on:

    1) I'm betting the redistricting was done with the aim of securing the max number of potential Republican reps for Florida, period. (Exactly what any party establishment would do.)

    2) Within that constraint, nobody was looking to "save" West's seat for him.

    So not "out to get" him but no "special protection" either.

    It may be that given his national following he can raise enough money from the rest of the country, if that's what it takes. Not familiar enough with the Florida districts in question to have a handle on this.

    In general I'm with Matt - I don't understand the Republican party "elders" in the least. If you take the view that they are aiming to lose in 2012 everything makes sense. Otherwise, not so much.

  4. I am hoping the case is that the GOP in Florida thinks that West can still win in a district that will now include a much higher number of registered Democrats than within his current one, but. . .

  5. This is kind of a strange article. I couldn't really make sense of this statement:

    West’s congressional district inexplicably sheds the most out support as compared to all other incumbent Republican and Democrat Congressman.

    And they talk about an "unnamed legislator" and then say "but in light of Weatherman's comment", LMAO!!!

    I think any redistricting will be done knowing full well that West will easily defend his seat, even if it includes more Democratic voters. The Florida GOP has to love the guy, he's popular nationally, after all! He's one of the young guns and will go far, IMO.

    I was going to post this as a thread but since Dances already posted about Allen West, I'll just give the link.

    West at his best - you'll love it!

  6. Oopsie, I should have read the comments first, I bet my link is the same one that Dances was trying to post...

  7. Anyway, I'm reserving judgement on the Florida GOP legislators until I hear from Congressman West himself on the implications of the redistricting.

  8. Update for those who are interested. Here is a link (yes, it's on that awful Hannity) to his interview this afternoon with Allen West. He asks him about the redistricting at 2:32 and they discuss it to 3:56 - although the whole 5 minute clip is interesting. I'm VERY surprised and dismayed to hear his take on the legislature's move, DWT had it right in his supposition. Anyway, the video link should be up for a day or so, I hope you all get a chance to see it. The plot thickens...

  9. Allen West is a good man, and tough as nails. I hope he figures out a way to beat these bastards at their own game.

  10. I read this morning that Congressman West is going to run in a different district. Apparently in Florida you do not have to live in the district you represent.

    In fact, the rep in Wests' home district is Debbie Wasserman Schmutz, Greasy-haired shrieking harridan harpy, poor but unapologetic liar, and (with those qualifications, how could she not be) chairman of the DNC.
