Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Night Feast

A feast for the eyes and spirit; courtesy of our old friend RIP Ford.
Enjoy the beauty of Arizona and Utah; best watched full-screen with the sound on.


  1. Okay TCKTers! Tell me what you think of our blog's new look. There are other templates we can try if we don't like this one.

    Once we're sure about the template, vikram can work his magic on the codz, and the rest of us can play with sprucing the place up.

  2. I saw this video on FB where our good friend had posted it. It sure looks good full screen on my Mac and sounds good with my sub-woofer.

    The new template looks nice, but I will have to get used to it. It is almost like someone bought new dish-ware and got rid of my old coffee cup -- but considering it was broken, we needed to do it.

    You know how cranky we old farts are.

    We should leave this up for a while rather than make a rash judgement.

    Bottom line: I like it, I am just so used to seeing the old one that it may take a few days for me to get used to the new.

  3. I know Matt...I feel the same way. I was really comfortable with our old place, but we don't have much choice.

    All input is appreciated. There are templates that are more vanilla than this one, and others that are jazzier. Choosing this one took me forever; I just couldn't decide.

  4. As I said Lady Red FRN, I do like it. I'm sure I will get comfortable, but it's like getting a new pair of shoes when the old favorites wear out. You have to break in the new ones.

  5. However, the comments do not show on the front page. Is that something Vikram can fix?

  6. Yeah, I s'pose. I sure do miss our old commenting system though. I hope lewy can work his magic.

    Has Fay seen the new clothes? Yoo hoo! Fay darling!

  7. Heh. I was responding to your "new shoes" comment, not your Vikram comment.

  8. Fay pointed it out to me. She doesn't have the photo in the background, though. She said she just has a blue background.

  9. I just sent you an email lady red as I didn't see any comments here about the new look! Silly me. I love the blue and really like the overall look of the place, great job!

    Like evryone else though, I'd like to get the old commenting system back.


  10. Oh, and the video is stunning. I too watched it on Matt's Mac. Very nice.

  11. Okay so I just discovered that if you click on the title of the post on the front page it opens up with the comments underneath the post.

  12. I don't see the SiteMeter link lady red???

  13. Woo hoo, recent comments are back. Thanks Lewy!

  14. Hmm...I think I hear lewy hollering for another cold one and a bandaid.

  15. Why are oyu asking us for a Bandaid? You are the nurse here!

  16. I've brought one of our granddaughter's bandaids. Lewy, how do you feel about Tinkerbell?

  17. Hey! It's looking GREAT lewy! Woo-hoo!!! We have our old system back!

  18. Oh, this is wonderful! Everything is on one page; no more going back and forth to comment. I'm delighted!

    1. By the way - I do like the template choice. It feels updated and fresh, but the colors you chose give some continuity with the old look-and-feel.

    2. Thanks! It's growing on me, especially with our old commenting system back in place. :)

    3. Mrs. Lewy stopped by to take a look at the blog and said "that looks really beautiful."

    4. Mrs Lewy obviously has great taste!

  19. I know I'm at least a day late (possibly more by now) but I LOVE this new template. I love the colours and the fresh feel about it. In fact I like it more than the old look. And since the comments, images etc. are all back in place, what's not to like?

    Once again, kudos to our very own in-house IT specialist. :)
