Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Canadian Perspective On How To Lose Friends and Piss Off People.

Ezra Levant is a Canadian conservative. He, along with Mark Steyn, was lynched brought before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal a couple of years ago for speaking the truth racial bigotry.

Here is his take on Obama's oil pipeline decision this past week.

The truth shall set you free.


  1. Ezra, just like Mark, speaks the truth.

    Go Canada!

    1. Both having been subjected to Canadian "human rights" Star chambers, and fought back successfully, it's only fitting that both can take credit for the repeal of the odious, outrageous s. 13 of the Canada Human Rights Act.

      Well done to both!

    2. And a point of correction- Levant was hauled before the Alberta HRC- to ex-Premier Stelmach's eternal shame. To his credit, Levant (as a good Albertan and Canadian) directly denied the aparatchik's jurisdiction to try him; she had no response and shortly after left the organization. Makes for great YouTube watching!

  2. I love where he shows the 2008 campaign clip of Obama saying the US would be free of oil from the "entire" middle east and Venezuela in 10 years, Bwahahaha.

  3. 48 percent get free shit. Hard hurdle to get over.

  4. "...Obama treats his friends like his enemies and his enemies like his friends..."

    Untrue. Obama is treating his friends as his friends, and his enemies as his enemies. It just happens that Obama's friends, and America's friends, are not the same group of people, or countries.

  5. Fay, I think RWC meant that in America today, 48% of the population pay no income taxes, and therefore are at least freeloaders, if not actual dependents of the government.

    And it is therefore difficult to get these people to vote against those who promise "I'll steal from the other guy and give it to you!"

  6. Thanks DWT. That is exactly what I meant.

  7. Yep, Ezra speaks the unvarnished truth. I hope that America and Canada will rebuild their close ties after the clueless JEM has been ousted.

    Union pipeline workers must be incensed at the quashing of this enormous project. They MUST be, but all I hear is crickets. Are they too afraid of their overlords to speak up? Are they nervous about losing their "protected class" status if they revolt against Obama's incredibly stupid policies?

  8. Serious question for my Canadian friends: how are the liberal Canadian media portraying this issue?

    I mean, Ezra's awesome and everything, but what is the Canadian MSM saying?

    (If Mr. Levant is part of the Canadian MSM, my apologies - I'm pretty stereotypically American in my ignorance of Canadian culture).
