Monday, January 23, 2012

Raise Your Hands

Today Is The 40th Anniversary Of Roe Vs Wade.

Pro-life marches are being held all over the country.

Primitive societies sacrificed infants to the Gods of Fertility.

Our society sacrifices them to the 'God' of convenience.

I will warn those who believe in life and decency against clicking this link.


  1. Today was the 40th anniversary of the most cruel and horrible thing to happen in America since the ending of slavery.

    40 years ago today, a US Supreme Court made up of liberals 'discovered' somewhere in the Constitution, that there is a 'right' for a woman to abort her baby.

    Millions of unborn children have been legally murdered since that decision, in the name of convenience.

    That particular Supreme Court made things up, citing 'penumbras and emanations'. Mysticism, instead of law.

    There is NO right for anyone to kill another except in self-defense, and for them to find one (actually invent one) is so far gone from the meaning of the US Constitution as to be nothing less then the infusion of Satan himself into the courts of the land.

  2. I watched it. I'm glad you posted it; I've always felt that if abortions were televised the outcry to overturn Roe v Wade would be deafening.

  3. Since 1973, the best estimate for the number of now-legal abortions performed under the auspices of Roe vs Wade is more than 54 million.

    54 million tiny hearts stopped. 54 million new lives ended before they could begin.

    And all the while, the justices of the Supreme Court sit with closed eyes, with ears that refuse to hear the screams of butchered babies, with hearts that are stone-hard in the face of murder after murder, and with souls blackened by their connivance in those murders.

    And all the while, the most egregious mal-judgement since Dred Scott continues to foul any thought that America is still a civilized land.

  4. Florrie, I carefully chose a video that did not really show the pain that those babies go through, and was actually quite mild in what it did show.

    I still cry each time I see it.

  5. Seeing the tiny hand is heartbreaking.

  6. Eight years before Roe V Wade I was born to an unwed, teenage mother, and subsequently adopted.

    Since I can't wear an "I Survived Roe V Wade" tee-shirt, I suppose mine should say "I Very Well May Not Have Survived Roe V Wade".

    Without excessive elaboration, I can say I feel about abortion exactly how you might expect I would feel.

    And that said:

    I don't support efforts to roll back the law, except at the margin. That abortion is more deregulated than the supposed "unregulated" mortgage securities market or OTC derivatives market is ridiculous. But so too is the abortion litmus test for politicians.

    The government has lost so much legitimacy enacting and enforcing existing laws that I cannot support any more. I don't think that makes me "pro-abortion" any more than being against the TSA and its asinine procedures makes me "pro-terrorist".
