Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Another test post.

Will likely be deleted.

UPDATE 1/24/12 0[Dark]:00AM PST: It seems the act of posting a comment - any comment - kills the whole body of the post. Fascinating...

UPDATE 1/24/12 12:15PM PST: I turned off the embedded comment posting form - this brought the comments back. Comment posting now works like it does in some other (e.g. Althouse) Blogger blogs. Note, this also kills the "threaded" comment feature, which, depending on your perspective, is a feature or a bug.


  1. Yay! It works! Lewy, what is PITA? Besides something I ate with humus for supper I mean...

  2. annie - try googling "PITA urban dictionary". :)

  3. Thank you for getting us up again lewy!

  4. Thanks, Lewy, for getting us going again, even if the method is a little strange.

    I do like the 'email follow-up comments to. . .' however.

  5. Let me see if it works for me!

  6. I works for me. Now if I can just add some intelligent input to the conversations here.

  7. Thanks everyone for the thanks!

    Dances - if I remember all your input correctly, I'm figuring you like this setup as well or better than the old one - do I have that right?

    All - on the topic of moving to a new template - I've got good confidence that all our sidebar widgets would come across just fine with no need to reconfigure or add.

    What would be lost are the colors. I do recall these were the subject of some deliberation.

    Perhaps I could add someone(s) as an admin on my test blog and they could try the colors there? (I'm utterly indifferent to the color scheme that ends up on my test blog. That's why it's a test blog.)

  8. Did anyone even watch SOTU? (I missed it).

  9. I didn't miss it. But no, I didn't watch it.
