Saturday, August 13, 2011

This Is No Ordinary Love

A love song to the city of my birth. This week has been devastating. I'm wrecked.


  1. I think I see the sunshine coming.

  2. There's nothing like
    You and I

  3. It's a beautiful song Fay. I'm so very sorry for what's happening in England. I'm horrified by the videos of the senseless destruction, and the sub-animal mentality that would allow human beings to shit in their own nest. It's sickening.

    I hope it's not too late for the British to reclaim their heritage and their birthright. There may still be time to rid a once-proud country of the vermin creepy-crawlies that plague the streets.

    I fear America is next. The socialists have been setting the stage for years, and now with Obama in office, the class-warfare rhetoric has increased to a roar.
