Thursday, August 11, 2011

Keep Aaron Cutting

This has to be one of the most heartwarming stories to come out of the London riots.

Thank you Bjorn, Sophie and Omid, great job. And H/T to Alison on FB.

You have to watch this video of Aaron, 89 years old and a true British character! He even flirts with the lady who is interviewing him.

And, he has fabulous skin! Ladies, be sure to listen to his skin care tips, LOL!

Keep Aaron Cutting from BBH Barn on Vimeo.

If any one needs a translation, let me know! Oh and the PayPal donation link works (at least it did for us in Canada).


  1. I think I'm a little bit in love with Aaron :)

  2. And if he is still cutting next time I am in London, I will go see him.

    If you can, here is a chance to say "Fuck You" to the spoiled bastards who dared to step over the line.

    And step over the line I think they did. They will never have it so easy again.

  3. If any one needs a translation, let me know! LOL!

    Sometimes he'd say something and it'd take me a while to get it - ripping something off -> "nicked"... etc... but I think I got most of it.


    If I could make an aside - a kind of meta comment - so, I'm here in front of my monitor, about to go to bed after a pretty busy day... and I'm 'sposed to be relaxing... and what do I do? I come here... where we post about teh global crazy... and flowers, Jazz, classic rock, food, that too... but we post quite a bit about teh global crazy (TGC). Relax! Ah...

    I think the thing that makes it relaxing for me is that we do it together, as a group of good friends...

    ...but srsly folks we have one heck of a "hobby"...

  4. Maybe it would be better to sit around a real kitchen table with you all, Lewy, but this is the next best thing. I, too, look forward to "chatting" with you all.

  5. I think I did fairly well on the translation, LOL! He's really a sweetie; I'd like to hug him! I'm delighted that so many people are helping him get back on his feet.

    Lewy and Matt, I also look forward to chatting with you all. This is my tether to sanity after the craziness of my day. You all are my soft place to land, the cattle-prod to my brain when I get complacent or lazy, and a wonderful place to share entertainment, memories, hopes, and dreams. :X

  6. What a charmer, not many like him left in the world!

    I'd be honored to sit with each and every one of you at the table and serve up some Nordic dishes.

  7. Over 31,000 pounds right now.
