Monday, August 8, 2011

Attention ladies of TCKT!

Before my head explodes from the latest political news, I'm sending out an S.O.S. for your best muffin recipes. The last few I've found have been less than stellar. I add one to Tom's lunch every day since he skips breakfast and I like to have a variety. Hey, you guys are welcome to add your recipes as well (I'm thinking of you, DWT!), here's my favorite ~

Nona's Lemon Ricotta Muffins

They-are-to-die-for. Mmmm, more like a dessert than a plebeian muffin!


  1. I don't have a recipe but I volunteer to taste-test the entries!

  2. Gosh florrie, I haven't made muffins (other than cornbread muffins) for ages! I sure love to eat them though!

  3. Sorry, Florrie. While I love to cook, I am just not a baker in any sense.
