Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Three Cheers For Michigan!

Yes! Michigan!

In an effort to cut costs and balance Michigan’s state budget, Human Services Director Maura Corrigan has removed an estimated 30,000 college students from the state’s food stamp program.

“Maybe (students) could go get a part-time job — that’s what I did,” said Corrigan, a former justice of the Michigan Supreme Court in a recent story from The Detroit News.”

For the most part, college students are not eligible for food stamps under federal rules. But under former Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s administration, attending college alone qualified people for food assistance.

But at the direction of Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, Corrigan is making it clear that the state can no longer sustain the costs involved in handing out food stamps to college students.

“We want to encourage people to be self-sufficient, not to be dependent on the government,” she said.


  1. It's about damn time. Jenny the Dim was a piece of work whose ideas were in line with Obama's. She tried mightily to land a spot in the Messiah's administration, the sucking noise was ear splitting ... but even Obama knew she was near useless. Should give you an idea...

    The government money and largess available to Michigan college students has been ridiculous. Yeah, I am an old fart, but nearly none of it existed in my days on campus. A great many of us had to work, some of us, full time. What a concept, actually having to work that is....

    BTW ... among "Ramen" varieties (the revised spelling when Peking became Beijing) ... said "Rom-yan" ... the very best is Sam Yang original as shown below:


  2. Why did it change to "Beijing," anyway? Do we now say " München" instead of Munich?"
