Monday, April 4, 2011

Regurgitation - With Apologies To Carly Simon

We can never know about the days to come,
But we think about them anyway.

And I'm praying, that you can't steal another one,
So we can have some free-er days.

Regurgitation, regurgitation,
Is leading to hate,
For your loss I'm waiting.


  1. President Obama opens his reelection campaign on Monday with a familiar cast of consultants; an economy that's improving, sluggishly; wars that he is struggling to extract himself from; and an implacable partisan fight in Congress that might shut down the government by week's end.

    The bold highlights manage to skip the real problem here. The FY 2011 Budget should have begun debate in Spring 2010 for passage by 01 Oct 2010. Uh, uhmmm, err...the Democrats had a majority in both houses of Congress at the time and Obama was still President (right?) .... BUT no 2011 Congressional Budget bill was presented. Not then and not since, even up to this morning.

    Now had the majority party in spring and fall 2010 done their job and presented and passed a budget, there'd be no issue of Continuing Resolutions today.

    This is somehow the Republicans fault?

    Pray freaking tell.

    The rest of the article explains the "why" of it all ... the Democrats were too busy fretting the 2010 elections to be bothered with actual duty.

    And they are again: Obama will hold a conference call on Monday with donors and supporters and will begin to raise money for his campaign late next week.

    WE don't have a 2011 budget yet, or even a year end CR, nor do we have a 2012 budget underway in any meaningful manner .... BUT we have campaigns beginning, on both sides of the aisle and the West Wing.

    "Process" has again trumped "Product" or output. Now all we do is run elections and dither with military interventions we cannot afford.

  2. Now I'll be humming Carly Simon songs all day. Sweet! Nice reworking of the lyrics DWT! :)

    Aridog, this whole budget mess has me so disgusted and angry. WTF is wrong with our useless and incompetent elected reps? How can we throw the bastards OUT when the same tired bastards keep getting reelected? Some days I truly despair. ~x(

  3. I feel exactly the same, lady red. He's droning on right now as I talk...blaming the repubs when his party could have passed a budget last fall. I'm sick of them all.

    Actually, I am angry, not despairing.

  4. Florie ... You are right ... the Dem's could have passed a budget for 2011 last fall (2010) when they had a majority of both houses.

    BUT they did not do so, did not act on the President's 2011 Budget submitted to them, and did not propose a Congressional 2011 Budget alternative.

    This worse than the usual dithering tardiness of budgeting by Congress ... which has been every year since I can't recall when.

    This year (2011) they didn't even try. They wait until the Republicans take over the House and then they blame it all on them?

    My "temporary solutions" ....

    1. bring every last Soldier, Marine, Sailor and Airman involved in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya, home immediately. That'll save some money and do no worse to our esteem than sticking around to give away money and be hated.

    2. Before shutting the government down, first shut Congress and the West Wing down, all staff below office holder in Congress and everyone except first tier advisors to the President. We are paying these people to do a job they are not doing.

    3. Hire Jesse Ventura to bitch slap Chuckie Schumer, Lindsey Graham, "Tiny" Weiner, and "Wedgiman" Reid around just for my entertainment.

  5. Your first two suggestions I'm behind 100%. Actually #1 needs to happen no matter what they do with this budget. I agree with your third suggestion if we substitute Randy Couture to dole out the ass-kicking. :-)

  6. Oh yeah! And after that, Couture can kick Ventura's ass! :D

    My military family members are very angry this morning. As of yet, there has been no guarantee of military pay if our POS gov't shuts down. Like aridog suggested, bring 'em ALL home.
