Sunday, April 3, 2011

Coming to a Caliphate Near You

So, an otherwise unknown Pastor from a small church in Florida burns a Koran. Muslims on the other side of the world raid a UN building and brutally kill a number of people. A UN official says the blame fall squarely on the otherwise unknown Pastor from a small church in Florida.

That is to be expected. The UN’s second most important goal is to be anti U.S. (The first goal, of course, is to be anti Israel.) What ever is done in, by, or for the United States is wrong and should be condemned. Except for the fact that American money helps keep that whore-house afloat, I really don’t care what the U.N. does. I don’t take it seriously.

However, in the United States such fine defenders of freedom such as Lindsey Graham and Harry Reid have spoken. Graham has said “During World War II, we had limits on what you could do if it inspired the enemy.” You see, hurting the feeling of our enemy is now considered to be helpful to them. Reid has said that several members of Congress want to take action against activities such as the one of the otherwise unknown Pastor from a small church in Florida.

Both steadfast protectors of the United States seem to be going with the line that the otherwise unknown Pastor from a small church in Florida went out and killed those UN workers. The rabid muslims are not in any way responsible. Graham and Reid want to make it illegal to do anything that incites or encourages such a reaction in some third-world cesspool.

May I be so bold as to point out the obvious? Did they ever consider the possibility that such statements from U.S. Senators give aid, comfort, and encouragement to the barbarians? They are sending a clear message that it is OK to have violent temper tantrums and kill people, but they will work to silence those who disagree.

The U.S. Government can fund the placement of a crucifix in a jar of urine. New York arts funds can pay for an exhibit of a picture of the Virgin Mary smeared with elephant dung. But for an American citizen to burn the book of a religion that goes out of its way to find reasons to kill people? No, we can’t have that.

Graham is up for re-election in four years, Reid in six. I would say “Heaven help us,” but it may offend someone. I would hate to be responsible for someone’s death.


  1. Graham is purportedly an *expert* on military legalities vis a vis warfare and enemy conduct and handling. He is also apparently an asshole.

    If a mob of Christians tore in to a local embassy or office of some offending persons nation of origin because they promoted the Piss Christ, or a mob of Jews tore up someplace for somebody's anti-semitic comments and desecrations ...well, who do you think would be blamed?

    WTF is it with this new world order of imbeciles?

    And again, I repeat .... I hear and see none of this over the top Muslim outrage where I live. THAT should tell you something ... and should imply just who has what to gain by it all, in our government as well as among the rabble of whatever country du jour is rioting.

    All that said, I do NOT pretend to think Pastor Terry Jones should be protected, nor the non-resident Evangelicals who try to foment violence with snot and smarm. I think they all should have their asses kicked hard every time they invade the home area of others and open their fookin mouths.

    They got big principles to represent? Stay the fuck home and run for office ... then they might be heard.

  2. May I be so bold as to point out the obvious? Did they ever consider the possibility that such statements from U.S. Senators give aid, comfort, and encouragement to the barbarians? They are sending a clear message that it is OK to have violent temper tantrums and kill people ...

    Well said.

  3. What galls me, among many things, is that we have reached a point where we need even discuss this shit. As it is so f*****g obvious where the problem is. Except, of course, to our esteemed political leaders.

    Despite some previous weak and not well formed protestations on my part, I am extremely worried, cynical, and pessimistic about the future. It may be too late to turn things around, until and unless nukes hit our ground.

    The rot may be too deep.

  4. Excellent post Matt, very well-said. It makes me despair for our country.

    I'm worried and pessimistic too, Luther; hope I won't be around when we reap the whirlwind. If enough people feel the same way we all do who commented on this topic, we have a chance to throw out these Proper-Speak politicians, from both parties, and elect people who actually represent us. There are a few now but we need more to stem the tide of PC idiocy before we are in the same boat as Great Britain, France and other EU countries that have an almost unsolvable "Muslim Problem".

  5. Very well said Matt. You hit the nail on the head.

    #4 Florrie: we need more to stem the tide of PC idiocy

    I wonder what these PC idiots would have made of the satirical songs during WWII - things like "Hang up your washing on the Siegfried Line". It's mind-boggling.

    My questions is when and how come did this PC-ness come to rule the roost? There was a time when things were so different.

  6. annie, I think it's just a subtle thing...small changes over time, apathetic non-response, relabeling of objectionable policies to make them more palatable to the public-at-large, etc.

    Then I wake up one day and think "what the hell happened?".

  7. Matt, remember when our policy was "we don't negotiate with terrorists"?

    Apparently we still don't.

    Now we just surrender.

  8. annie - I remember my mother singing that song... hadn't thought of that in many decades...

    We're going to hang out the washing on the Siegfried line!

  9. Matt, this is a very thoughtful and spot on post.

    May I be so bold as to point out the obvious? Did they ever consider the possibility that such statements from U.S. Senators give aid, comfort, and encouragement to the barbarians? They are sending a clear message that it is OK to have violent temper tantrums and kill people, but they will work to silence those who disagree.

    I totally agree with you. It feels like we're trapped in a fun house filled with distortion mirrors. The fact that Reid was just reelected makes me crazy and despondent.

    I think the so-called "preacher" from Florida is an attention-whore and an idiot, but if he wants to burn a book to get his ugly mug on TV, let him. It's a free country. Sort of.

  10. Mr. Comb-Over Weird Cross-Hatch Hairdo actually said on TV the other day "we have a Muslim problem". I almost fell out of my chair with shock, then I did a fist pump and cheered. 'Bout damn time SOMEONE verbalized the obvious. It's too bad Trump is so wacky, because I like his brutally honest take on things.

  11. Luther sez: "What galls me, among many things, is that we have reached a point where we need even discuss this shit."


  12. Lady Red sez: "The fact that Reid was just reelected makes me crazy and despondent."

    2010 Senatorial election in Nevada was a race for the Republicans to lose ... which they did by running Sharon Angle ... a lunatic of the first order.

    A sample lunacy: NO, Sharia Law is NOT the law of the land in Dearborn, Michigan, it's never even been proposed as a *parallel* system ... and that's to counter just one of her many delusions.

    When the Tea Party, whatever variation thereof, or generic Republicans, pick candidates from the loser list of babbling idiots or the local asylum for delusional persons ... uh, they WILL LOSE. x(

    Examples: Sharon Angle in Nevada, Joe Miller in Alaska (running against an incumbent Republican no less), and the queen of all idiots, Christine O'Donnell in Delaware, who ran against a 6 term Republican and Congressman, Mike Castle, also a former Governor ... When ditz O'Donnell won that primary (Lord knows how...but a lot of self anointed Tea Party leaders sponsored her) she virtually handed Delaware to the Democrats.

    Now as someone who does support much of the Tea Party's goals, I find the irrational tendency to intentionally lose elections scary. I listened to Paul Ryan speak in a long interview and found I support 95% of that he had to say about the budget.

    He'd get the other 5% if he'd just realize (perhaps he's too young to know?) or admit that the "entitlements" issue, where it regards Social Security, is an issue of PRIOR squandering of the SSA/FICA revenue surpluses for decades by both parties. Period.

    Regrettably, the only Congressman who actually attributed the SSA problems honestly to the real cause is, wait for it ... Harry Reid. Small distinction, as with all the hoot and holler about the CR or end of 2011 "budget", not a single Democrat has offered up a budget proposal of their own, and never tried for all of FY 2011 ... preferring to just argue over the Republican proposal(s).

    No matter, the FICA mess can't be fixed easily, and Pelosi Care cannot be afforded. Why does the delusion that it can be persist?

    All of this makes me more than a bit cynical.

    Rant over. :-L

  13. Getting back to the Koran-burning issue, have a look this article Radical Islam for dummies.

    CiFWatch is a "watch-site" monitoring el-Guardian (more than a full-time job) but also reporting on other similar anti-Semitism, anti-Westernism etc.

  14. Donald Trump sez: "... we have a Muslim problem"

    Actually, we don't yet, except perhaps on the east coast where they try hard to emulate the European practice of absolute multi-culturalism ... e.g., where immigrants are literally expected to not assimilate at all and in fact are encouraged to carry on with 100% of their native practices.

    I've lived in countries very "foreign" to my home in the USA, for extended periods, ... and I can absolutely guarantee that absolute multi-culturalism does NOT work. Anywhere.

    I do find Trump refreshing and his bluntness is appropriate when he's correct. He's right given the caveat that we WILL have a Muslim problem if we continue this surrender to foreign norms and don't require adherence to most of our own.

  15. imgw:""

  16. Donald Trump sez: "... we have a Muslim problem".

    We now do in Canuckistan without any doubt. The Toronto 18 multiple convictions; the al-Shabbab terrorist last week and the "Somali-Canadian" (read, Somalis carrying Canadian passports) yout' disembarking for Somalia; the Millenial Bomber apprehended; the Montreal bomb plot; Hizb'ullah supporters running amok through the streets of Toronto; RCAF fighter attacks in Libya supporting a salafist victory; et al.

    The dribs I hear are that the RCMP and CSIS (ie., Canadian DHS) are VERY concerned about homegrown Islamic terror capabilities.

  17. Mr. Comb-Over Weird Cross-Hatch Hairdo

    LOL!! I wasn't sure at first if you meant Trump or Levin....

    Yes, he says what he means, isn't it refreshing? But so does West, Rubio and Ryan. At least we have a few good reps.

  18. #12, great post, I agree with all you said there, Aridog.

    (now checking to make sure it's not a deleted post...)

  19. Excellent link, annie; it's the first I've read that identifies the victims. Here is the meat of the article:

    (Video of rioting. Listen at 0:57, you can hear the chant, “Mar al Yahud” – “Death to the Jews”)

    In all the fuss over this, it seems to me that the press has forgotten to tell us who was killed as a result of this utterly marginal American Christian, if he deserves the appellation, burning a book. I finally found a partial list in the print edition of Sunday’s Washington Post (April 3, 2011), which I summarize below:

    There were six Nepalese guards at the UN compound “who had orders not to shoot”, four of whom were killed by the violent mob. Nepalese are not generally Christians, and obviously not Americans. Their names were not given.

    Others murdered, possibly Christians but definitely not Americans, once the mob broke in, were:

    Joakim Dungel, a Swedish human rights worker

    Lt. Col. Siri Skare, a Norwegian who was advising the police

    Filaret Motco, a Romanian Political officer

    Pavel Ershov, a Russian, was beaten but not killed after he persuaded the rioters by speaking Dari, their dialect, that he is a Muslim.

    President Karzai has called on the US to condemn the Koran burning but has issued no statement indicating that he intends to find and punish the murderers. Western leaders have tried to balance the two acts by denouncing Jones’ act and claiming Western respect for the Koran – not likely to fool many people – while condemning the rioters.

    This is all political window dressing. We see yet again that radical Islam (Islamism) is a cause for the ignorant, the duped, the easily led, and the fanatics. But more than anything, the events in Afghanistan show that adherents to this movement are extremists who are willing to kill even Nepalese because of their anger towards America – all due to the actions of one obscure American preacher.

    The cringing attempts in the West to pretend that all is well, and that Islamism is simply another, albeit misunderstood, political religious movement, have to stop. The nearest example I can think of is the Spanish Inquisition and no-one would tolerate Jesuits burning unbelievers to death in this day and age.

    When Islamism’s adherents believe it is right to murder people because of a cartoon, or a book burning, or anything else they deem an insult, the democratic West needs to stand up and call it out for what it is: reactionary, supremely intolerant and extremely dangerous.
