Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Quote Of The Day

Tom Brokaw:

If I went away tomorrow, NBC News would still be the dominant news division in America. There ain't none of us who is irreplaceable.

Ouch.  My 2nd grade grammar teacher must be spinning in her grave, writhing in agony. What a stunning display of...what? I know the man can speak proper English. Is he trying to connect with the ignorant class, or just drag the rest of us down into his cesspool of stupidity? Either way...

You suck, Tom. You really do. Go away already.


  1. lol!

    What a putz! If *only* he would go away. Sigh.

  2. Not only grammatically, but factually incorrect as well.

    Unless he means it is watched in dungeons by those who are trussed up tight and unable to change the channel.

  3. He's trying to see "folksy". It's all the rage right now - people trying to seem like one of the folks.

    President Obama does it ALL THE TIME. And it's painful to watch.

    Just be who you are, people. If you're a wonk, own it. Revel in it. Just don't look down on those who aren't.

    And then we won't look down on you for acting like tools.

  4. And it's painful to watch.
    Truly cringe-worthy.

    It's going to be on the rise from now on until the day after the 2012 elections.

  5. "until the day after the 2012 elections."

    Yikes, that can't come soon enough if you ask me.

    I think you got it, AFW. 'Tools'.

  6. If you're a wonk, own it. Revel in it.

    Words I live by, afw. :D

  7. It's 2:33 on Monday, Valentine's Day, 2011. Once again, as the whole past week, I am awake after fewer than 4 hours of actual sleep.

    There are both physical and emotional components to this, and I can't deal with either.

  8. Oh Dances, that's awful. Can you take a sleep aid, like Ambien? At least that would get you caught up for a while.

    I also have had problems with insomnia and am happy to share some of the things that have helped me. Let me know and I will email you.

    Hang in there, bro.

  9. flo, if you email Dances, could you copy me? Thx!

    Valarian tea does the trick from time to time.

  10. Would seem we all share in this problem!


    Here's the thing: reading global web news at oh dark hundred hours?

    Not conducive to sleep. Not. So. Much.

    This is my conclusion after a more than a decade of research.

    Because, when did my insomnia kick in? Oh, that's right. Right after Al Gore invented the interwebz.

  12. I usually become sleepy again right around the time I'd normally get up to start the day.

  13. I suppose I should have said psychological, rather than emotional, component.

    Anyway, a week ago Friday, I went back to the dentist/maxillofacial surgeon who'd removed a broken tooth last September, for a follow-up due to ongoing (still!) aches.

    He told me it was healed fine, then had a CAT scan done of my head to see where the pain is coming from. Turns out the left side of my mandible is a little lower than it should be, due to swelling of the muscle there.

    In passing he noted that my breathing passage narrowed down a lot, which was a sign of sleep apnea "that can kill you."

    The next (Superbowl) Sunday I woke with the bgeinnings of the flu, which proceeded in its coutse to completely fill my lungs with mucous, causing a lot of breathing difficulties.

    It is nearly gone, and my lungs nearly clear, but my mind keeps waking me, gasping, as it feels the difficulty in drawing a breath, and thinks it is the last.

    It is completely psychological.

    But now I begin to notice that, even fully awake, my breathing seems to trail off, and slow, and become shallower.

  14. There is much more to it than I wrote above. The arguments with myself to the effect "of course you're breathing!" etc.

    But those no longer seem to work at all, especially as I grow more and more tired and my waking mind therefore closer to my sleeping mind.

    I am afraid to sleep.

  15. I hope you feel better soon DWT. Insomnia, for whatever reason, can be tedious and exhausting.

  16. It may seem Johnny come lately, DWT, my comment. But I too hope you soon get back to normalcy. Oddly, I had much the same experience during the recovery from my fractures. A sense of not being able to breathe, afraid to sleep. Claustrophobic under the covers. I eventually ending up sleeping on top of the made up bed with a light blanket only. That seemed to help.

    I doubt there is anything more excruciating than tooth/jaw pain, though the sleep apnea is of a separate and serious concern, there are treatments available, I think.

    Anyway, take care of yourself, please.

  17. Well - I finally saw my doctor, today. Turns out that the 'suddenly waking, gasping for breath' symptom is not wholly my own, at least in this area of the country.

    Apparently there is a strain of flu that is carrying hitch-hikers, in the form of bronchitis-sinusitis, and the two combine for a much more cruel assault.

    Anyway, my doc said I am most likely suffering from the bronchitis/sinusitis, with a much lower, but still possible chance of pneumonia, and a far yet lower (but again, due to my family history) possibility of congestive heart failure.

    Sorry for the whining yesterday morning, but a combination of lowered blood oxygen and raised insecurity was just more than I could deal with.

  18. Don't be sorry, Dances. You know we are all concerned about you. And that is not an entirely negative prognosis I don't think, after all, you are presently getting better... I hope.

  19. I'd say we're all behind you, Dances... except... that would mean you'd be walking point!

    Dude, I'm right in front of you...

  20. Oddly enough, my doctor just stopped in at the store, and told me that if I was still not able to sleep (dfrom coughing, rather than gasping, now) that he would call in a codeine based cough med to get me some rest.

    I told him I'd wait another couple of days, just to see how it goes.

  21. Heck, I'd go with the codeine cough syrup! If you're gonna be sick, you may as well have a nice buzz. :D

    Seriously though, I've been worried about you. I echo what everyone else has said... we're here for you. {{{DWT}}}
