Monday, January 31, 2011

Never Again For Anyone...Except If You're A Jew

Charming, a campus event comparing Israeli actions to those of the Nazis.

the group Never Again for Anyone, which is the host of the abhorrent tour, printed on the website for the event that a suggested donation of $5-$20 would be asked for at the door. Only after 200-400 pro-Israel supporters showed up did the event–held in a state school, paid for by both tax dollars and student fees–begin to discriminate who could enter the event free-of-cost.

First, the organizers of the event asked all of those who gathered together in opposition to the event to stand in a separate line and wait for seating to take place. Meanwhile, those in anti-Israel apparel, keffiyahs and hijabs were taken aside, given green wristbands, labeled as event “staff” and given free entrance. At one point, the hosts of the event, which ranged from groups like theInternational Jewish Anti-Zionist Network to the International Socialist Organization, tore apart a suggested donation sign leaving only the admission fee visible. The group then said students could attend free-of-charge if they became members of BAKA.

" stand together in a separate line and wait" that phrase made me squirm.


  1. Campus anti-Semitism, disguised as anti-Zionism, has become a very severe problem all over the world and it is so hard to combat. You're fighting against the massive forces of political correctness and "progressiveness". But however much we read about such phenomenon, it's so much more shocking when we see a first-hand report like the one you posted Fay. It's just sickening.

    The Elder of Ziyon covered this story too, and he links to a whole bunch of videos posted on the website of

    Challah hu Akbar (Gotta love the name of the website, LOL!).

  2. The website of Prof. Steven Plaut of Israel's Haifa University, The Zionist Conspiracy covers anti-Zionism at Israel's universities. Yes, you read that right. It has become a problem here too.

    I heard Prof. Plaut speak at a conference I went to recently. He was very entertaining but his subject matter was infuriating and in the end pretty depressing.

  3. The "arab street" is cute and cuddly compared to the trans-national campus.

  4. I have to agree, lewy. This makes me ill, we're brainwashing a generation of young people. WTH is with these professors? Don't they see that they have become what they are railing against?

    Anti-semitism is alive and well here in Olympia too, at the oh-so-tolerant Evergreen College.


  5. florrie, it ain't just the Jews they're against, it's basically white Europeans and western civilization in general.

    I used to fear that if we survived this, woke up and threw off the layers of idiots basically trying to smother us with our own pillows, that we ourselves would become less than cute and cuddly.

    Nowadays I'm like, "So be it. Fine, I'll grow a hard scaly shell. Whatever".

    I'll be the voice for tolerance, liberalism and diversity again someday - once I'm convinced we're gonna survive this thing. Till then I'm soto voce on that stuff at best.

  6. This is sickening. The fact that it happened at a major American university makes my blood boil. While we're all watching and waiting for things to get better, the haters have become more brazen. They operate openly and with impunity, and most Americans just yawn and look the other way. At least it seems that way to me.

  7. They think they're so fucking clever.

    It does sound like they violated several school rules, though. And while I don't trust the school to recognize that, properly documented complaints and requests for BAKA's ability to operate on campus due to such violation will irritate the right people.

    And there's always the SLIM possibility that the rules will be enforced.

  8. Yet another example that proves America is devolving.

    In some ways the opinion of the muslims, that the US is a sick and degenerate society is correct (not that we hold a candle to their accepted level of evil) although in their 'societies' this would be seen as a good.

    I was finally convinced of that in the past two weeks by the stories of the baby butcher 'doctor' in Philadelphia, and the realization that this activity has taken place for 37 years now, and that he was not the only one who did it with such a wantonly cruel method.

    Just as bad to me, are those who sprang to his defense, never questioning the evil of the practice in any form, but simply decrying, essentially, that he was caught.

    Sorry for being so off-topic, but it all plays into the lack of morality that would allow such an enterprise as this festival of hatred on an American college campus.
