Friday, January 14, 2011

And In This Corner...

This could be a whopper of a prize fight!

A feud has broken out between Rush Limbaugh and the so-called "All Star Panel" on Fox News' "Special Report" over the panel's praise for President Obama's speech at the memorial for the Arizona shooting victims. Speaking on his radio show Thursday, Limbaugh slammed the panelists--which, on the night of the speech, were Brit Hume, Charles Krauthammer and Chris Wallace--for their positive comments.

"They were slobbering over it for the predictable reasons," he said. "It was smart, it was articulate, it was oratorical. It was, it was all the things the educated, ruling class wants their members to be and sound like."

On Thursday night's "Special Report," host Bret Baier played the Limbaugh clip and asked Krauthammer--who had called the speech "quite remarkable and extremely effective"--for his reaction.

"As one of the three slobberers...I find it interesting that only the ruling class wants a president who is smart articulate and oratorical in delivering a funeral oration," Krauthammer said. "It's an odd and rather condescending view of what the rest of America is looking for in their president.


  1. Rush vs. Charles? This could be a twelve-round, go-to-the-cards split decision.

    Please pass the popcorn. Oh, and the milk duds! I'll have that, too.

    Munch munch munch

  2. I've read major parts of the President's speech, I don't get the hoopla myself. Perhaps Charles is trying to soften up his image and found this an innocuous enough event to do so.

    But you bet, if it continues this could be something to watch.

    And oh yes... 'milk duds', yum, yum, yum. Though nowadays I'm worried they will rip the teeth out of my gums. :)

  3. Holy cow! I've been missing the cable news (and Rush's show) lately so I had no clue!

    I'm not surprised, though. Rush ain't gonna like anything from BO. :-) That said, he should lighten up. Charles will come out on top of any cerebral tête à tête as he aptly proved with his response that you posted, lady red.

    Rush is usually tongue-in-cheek with his outré comments. I have to say I loved it when he said that Bill O'Reilly is Ted Baxter, lol!

  4. And oh yes... 'milk duds', yum, yum, yum. Though nowadays I'm worried they will rip the teeth out of my gums.

    I know, I know!! Isn't it lame, Luther, that we have to worry about that stuff, I pretty much gave up milk duds and caramels after the last time I lost a filling...


    tee hee

  5. Rush called Bill O'Reilly "Ted Baxter"? LMAO!!! :))

    Oh yes, I DO love milk duds, but I have the same problem as you guys. I have to baby my teeth and fillings if they're gonna last me. Goodness knows that medicare won't be around to fix broken baby boomer parts.
