Thursday, December 16, 2010

When Absurdity Gives Way To Hilarity

From Mike Jensen over at the Southeast Missourian (via Drudge):

Rep. Cleaver has proposed a $48 billion earmark

When absurdity gives way to hilarity, you must be talking about politics.

In the midst of a colossal global concern for the economic stability of our great nation, Emanuel Cleaver, Missouri's 5th Congressional District representative, has one small earmark on his wish list that deserves some attention.

Cleaver has listed a new earmark -- one of several -- and he promises to "fight for every one." But this is a whopping $48 billion package that must go down as the grandaddy of all earmarks.

Proposed by a gentleman named Lamar Mickens, president of the not-for-profit Quality Day Campus, the $48 billion earmark would funnel money into the inner cities to give money to the poor and thereby produce a much larger consumer class to buy the goods and services produced in this country.

Just call this redistribution on steroids.

You can read the rest here.



  1. Of course, the cool $48 billion is just for Phase One. ~x( :(( =))

  2. More on Congressman Cleaver here.

    Um, yeah.

  3. These egotistidal jerks who continue to waste the taxpayer's money will be in for a surprise in 2012.

    I think the topic of all these pet projects and earmarks are tied into Fay's video...

    Just sayin...

    Or maybe it's just me who has had that very un-Christian-like thought.

  4. Brother, this laptop keyboard takes some getting used to.

    Am I right, RWC?!?
