Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Florida School Board Meeting

I just saw this on our local evening news. Full story here.

Not for the faint of heart or children. None of the school board members were injured.


  1. The lady who tried to swat the gun away with her purse was long on guts and short on strategy. The bad guy is HUGE. I think I would've snuck up behind him, grabbed one of the cuffs on his pants, and pulled back and up with everything I had. Upending the SOB was her only chance. Or maybe a giant kick to the back or side of one of his knees.

    Not that I would've been as brave as she was. I probably would've been piddling in a corner and shaking like a chihuahua.

  2. I didn't watch the video, but I read about it - crazy. That lady was something else to go after an gun-wielding man nearly twice her size while armed only with a purse.

  3. Too bad no-one else had the courage of the woman in white.

  4. I read an account from the woman (sorry - forget where exactly now) where her daughters asked her just what the heck she was thinking.

    She answered, effectively, that she wasn't thinking, she just acted instinctively.

    You never know how you're going to respond.

  5. That's so true, lewy. Like Dances, I too thought she was very brave; although, to be fair, the superintendent did try to get the gunman to let everyone else go and just deal with him. That was brave too.

    This is so sad. Just my own made-up theory but I think as we become more secular, people have nothing much aside from strength of character to fall back on in hard times. To each his own. However, I am so grateful to have faith in God for helping me through the difficult times (as well as good times).

    This man apparently had some psychological problems. If I recall correctly, I think they reported he had a police record for shooting the tires out of his ex-girlfriend's car - while she was still in it.

    On the cynical side, I was glad to hear he was into MoveOn. I can imagine the media/talking heads reaction if he was affiliated with the Tea Party.

  6. Can't find the link now but I watched an interview yesterday of the security officer who brought the man down.

    Now there was a decent and good guy. Not a hero he says, just doing my job.

    Agree too about the actions of the purse woman and the superintendent, both thinking of others before themselves.

  7. I watched a report about this last night, and was struck by the fact that the security guard was worried about/praying for the family of the gunman, and the family of the gunman was worried about/praying for the security guard.

    There are many fine, decent people in this story. It's a miracle that no one was hurt, other than the bad guy.

    Florrie said This is so sad. Just my own made-up theory but I think as we become more secular, people have nothing much aside from strength of character to fall back on in hard times.

    I agree wholeheartedly.
