Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How About Some Anthropology?

This is one of my favorite blogs. Do I understand everything they're discussing? Haha, I wish! Still, I find the material fascinating, and I love reading their discussions. Concerning interbreeding between ancient human populations:

It's important to note how important this insight is. Modern human populations are mutually interfertile, but it is generally assumed that beyond a certain point of genetic divergence interbreeding is impossible for both anatomical and genetic incompatibility reasons.

But, if we accept the possibility of interbreeding even between very divergent populations, then where do we stop? It's possible that H. sapiens himself is the product of such interbreeding.

Interesting family tree, innit?  I found myself giving each of them a name...Uncle Billy Bob Bubba is the guy on the far left.  Oh, and the picture isn't from the article linked above; in fact, the people who post there would probably tar and feather me for attaching it to such a serious and weighty subject.  I'm naughty that way.


  1. "Meet the folks"... Isn't that a poster from a Broadway show? I swear I've seen it...

  2. Dienekes blog is very cool. On a "small world" note, I recall that Razib, who blogs on the same topic and linked Dienekes post, would occasionally show up in the comments at DL.

    Looking again at that family portrait: you have to admit - if you were a team captain at a pickup softball game - you'd be picking homo sapiens second to last - just before the li'l hobbit dude...

  3. Loveitloveitloveitloveit!!!!

    Thanks for introducing me to this!

    Now my morning internet stroll will go something like this:

    gmail, hotmail, facebook, TCKT, drudge, ace, facebook, *various work sites*, facebook, Five Ounces of Pain, facebook, *work sites*, facebook, Dienekes

    And then probably facebook. :)

  4. Lewy, I do seem to remember Razib posting at DL. I'm pretty sure that's who turned me on to Dienekes, years ago.

    I'm glad you love it too, AFW!

  5. The more I look at that picture, the more I think the only sensible one is the Neanderthal on the far right.

    He's wearing warm clothes, and he's armed.

    I want him on my team.
