Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Congressman West Storms Into Washington

I really love this guy, and I'm confident that he will be a future leader for fiscal Conservatives. He's already shaking things up:

Mr. West isn't afraid to challenge leaders of his own party, already calling out House Republican leaders for scheduling "only" 123 workdays for 2011.

"Congress needs to work to create jobs, reduce the deficit, strengthen our economy, limit the size of government and contend with a plethora of national security issues," said Mr. West in a letter to incoming House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Virginia Republican. "How are we to do that when, among other things, we start off being in session only 10 days the entire month of January?"

He also has questioned GOP plans for several congressional retreats in early 2011, and has vowed not attend at least two of them.

Congressman West isn't tiptoeing through the race tulips, either.

As the first black Republican elected to Congress from Florida since Reconstruction, he plans to join the Congressional Black Caucus - an exclusively Democratic club since the 1990s.

"There are two qualifying criteria, to be black and a member of Congress, and I think I meet them both," he said. "Everyone talks about bipartisanship, and I think it's time to bring a different perspective and insight to that body politic."

Hang on to your hat, Barbara Lee! Colonel West is in the house.


  1. Christie, West, Rubio, and Jindal are four men who are high on my "politicians I'd like to have a beer with" list. They are also on my "patriots I will follow into battle" list.

    I also have a "politicians who are afraid of my mom" list, and a "politicians who aren't qualified to pick mud out of my tire treads" list. These two lists are very long, roughly about the length of a roll of Charmin.

  2. politicians who are afraid of my mom list

    That is so seriously awesome.

    Also, you must have repetition between some of those lists. At least, I can think of some repetition. :P

  3. Lady red, love the 2011 pic and the new USA/Canada flag.

    Luv ya lady :X

  4. LOL Lady red. I like the way you phrase things. AFW, I am thinking that those lists are almost identical. Fay, I second those remarks.

  5. lady red, I like Alan West as well - but I wish he hadn't lead with this: Congress needs to work to create jobs...

    Er... Colonel... Congress does not create jobs.

    I'm figuring he probably gets this, and I have no problem with the rest of his list, but... I feel like cursing and stomping my feet every time I hear some member of Congress use that phrase...

  6. Is it led, or lead? Leaders lead, followers are led, not lead... I wish English were my second language, then at least I'd have an excuse...

  7. It's led. I'm pretty sure. Never mind me.

  8. Lewy, here's my thoughts: Congress can work at creating jobs by getting the heck out of the way. They can vote to jettison laws that strangle commerce. They can vote to scrap the nickle-and-dime taxation on every phase of producing goods in this country. They can simplify the tax code, and they can cut government salary and bennies to more closely parallel private business (leaving more moola in the government coffers for badly needed infrastructure renovation). They can ban earmarks. They can vote for strict term limits.

    If Congress rolled up their sleeves and legislated for the good of our nation instead of their own petty little self-interests, business would flourish.

    Psst...I'm pretty sure it's "led". ;)

  9. I had the same thought that Lewy did, but I came to the same conclusion that Lady Red did.

  10. lady red, I have no doubt that what West meant was basically what you listed in #8... it's just the phrase that's grating, is all.

  11. Christie, West, Rubio, and Jindal are four men who are high on my "politicians I'd like to have a beer with" list. They are also on my "patriots I will follow into battle" list.

    Amen to that, lady red. There are more out there, just waiting to be elected. Throw the bums out in 2012 from both parties if they continue to ignore their electorate.

  12. Right on, florrie! And let's keep throwing them out; anyone we elect who doesn't walk the walk gets fired after one term.

  13. Yeah, West is the real deal. (and I hope I can say that next year)

    Unlike that shi*t-turd Scott Brown.

  14. I think we all knew that Brown was a very nominal conservative, but it was oh-so-much-fun to watch him steal that seat. I'm still pumping my fist in the air! ;))

  15. True lady-red, it was a nice victory. But now we need to kick him to the curb.

  16. Yeah, I knew he was a moderate but I'm with RWC; I'd like to kick his Olympiasnowish ass to the curb :-)

  17. Scott Brown is representing Massachusetts. They really are that liberal there.

    The citizens of that state need long term remedial education on the doctrine of limited government.

    They are also possessed of an unimaginable stubbornness (trust me on that one) and so I recommend patient discourse as opposed to confrontation and diktat.
