Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gesu Bambino


  1. I love listening to all the music you all are posting!

    Here's my favorite Christmas song of all time:


  2. That guy is amazing, both his lyrics and guitar playing. My eyes welled up when the camera panned to the men standing in the dark. I'm glad you posted it afw; in the hubub of the holidays, I had forgotten about our troops stuck in the ME...

    God Bless and keep them.

  3. I love it, florrie. Thanks for fixing my link! I'm what we in the business call, "techologically challenged." :P

  4. No worries, I'm a tc challenged too. I have to look in my deleted file for the email Luther sent me many months ago about how to post a link with title. Maybe we can add it to our "Seekrit Codez"?

    Put your text in
    between the whatchemacallits

    ta daaaa!

  5. I had posted that I would put your video on the front page where it belongs but I guess my comment got eaten by the grue, lol.

    Anyhoo, the post worked so that's the main thing.

  6. It's not accepting my HTML; perhaps lewy can figure a way to add it to Seekrit Codez so that people can post a clickable link.

  7. Hi flo - whatcha tryin' to do exactly?

    Posting a link in the comments is done like this:


    <a href="http://theconservativekitchentable.blogspot.com">this is us!</a>


    this is us!

    when posted.

  8. Thanks, lewy; I was adding a space after the < so afw could see the code but blogger wouldn't accept it.

    Could you add "code to post a link with a title" or something to that effect in the "Seekrit Codez"? Or perhaps I'm the only one who forgets the combination of htlm...

  9. flo, I added a sekshun to teh Seekrit Codez payj az u rehkwestead.

  10. Lewy iz thuh codez mastur. All hail lewy! :)

  11. We are not worthy!

    Thanks lewy :D

  12. Thanks, lewy. It will be nice not to have to go back to my deleted OE file. Especially since it doesn't work on W7.
