Tuesday, December 21, 2010

afw's Favorite

Get out a hanky...


  1. Thank you, florrie!

    I really do love this. It just grabs at me, and it encapsulates being in the military so well. There's irritation, hope, smartassery, respect... All rolled together.

    Somehow it works.

    Anyway, I always thought that this was perfect.

  2. Better make that two hankies.

    I'll be glad when of all America's sons and daughters are out of that stinking, God-forsaken hell hole and back home.

  3. "I'll be glad when of all America's sons and daughters are out of that stinking, God-forsaken hell hole and back home."

    And Britain's too.

  4. How's this for a class act, David Beckham received the Lifetime Achievement award at the BBC Sport Personality of the Year Awards a couple of days ago. Beckham, not known for his eloquence, accepted the award and thanked (a very long) list of friends and family. Then he made special mention of his wife and kids. Most acceptance speeches end there, his didn't.

    He went on to say that he had been in Afganistan earlier this year and that he had seen the bravery of the toops who risked their lives every day. He thanked them and then dedicated his award to them.

    Bravo David.
