Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Music continued

I'll Be Home For Christmas, Johnny Mathis.


  1. This is going to be a classic...


  2. I have some songs for you at my place... if you you wanna check it out! I post them specifically for TCK!!!

  3. I went, I saw, I enjoyed!

    Thanks KC.

  4. The Marcels, it was funny seeing everyone doing the twist, lol!

    I'm a big Tony Bennett fan so Sinatra is also close to the top of my list. It's such fun listening to all the Christmas music in between baking batches of cookies...

  5. The Marcels was mostly because I had NEVER ever heard that one before and it was funny watching all them people 'twisting' to the song!

    Merry Christmas TCKT!

  6. Just want to insert here: Thank you all for the Christmas Music posts. I haven't had anything to add lately, but I do enjoy the music. Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy the spirit of the season. Being a church member is not required.

  7. I too have enjoyed it, aridog. Our Magic Fayre has put the Merry to the Christmas! :)

  8. Hey aridog, Merry Christmas to you and yours. I'll be thinking about you as I sip some Remy!

    Cheers :D

  9. Fay # 10 ... mine will be Remy XO, my usual Christmas gift to me :D.

    Now if you've got Remy Louis XIII Black Pearl ... meet me at the airport, I'm on me way. ;)(I'd be afraid to open the bottle and find disappointment, even if I could afford it at the current $3700+ price USD.)

    Yes, I was Cognac shopping today ... tried to find Martell XO Supreme for a gift for someone ... no luck, Michigan is such a Jim Beam arse state...state control of what comes in, etc. I'm gonna check out Canadian liquor outlets again ...see if they have a civilized variety. If so, smugglers iz me.

  10. I have an idea. Let's all chip in for a bottle of the Black Pearl. We can share it when we all get to meet in person.
