Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blackberries For Christmas?

This clip is courtesy of our chicken-soup making friend in Israel. It's really funny; enjoy!

Thanks Annie!


  1. Thanks for posting this here, I saw it on annie's FB.

    Just a couple of insights for the non Brits among us:

    The main character in this sketch is a very well known British comedian called Ronnie Corbett. He had a long running show on TV with another comedian called Ronnie Barker. The show was called "The Two Ronnies". Barker died in 2005 thus Corbett's show is now called "The One Ronnie."

    "Orange" is the name of a British cell phone network and internet provider.

  2. Has this been posted yet...

    And Merry early Christmas to ya'll.

  3. And this one...shamelessly stolen from annie :-)

  4. I wondered about the "orange" reference!

    Merry Christmas, RWC and family. :)

  5. Oh, and at the end where the grocer picks up the egg (X) box "360" I believe they are making reference to the fact that the EU is drafting legislation to ban eggs being sold by number, e.g. a dozen or half dozen, and instead having them sold by weight. Six eggs would weigh approx. 360 grams.

  6. Hi guys! A quick fly-by posting because it's waaay past my bedtime. I got the link from my baby brother and I'm still giggling about it.

    By the way, a little clarification Fay. I think the "eggs box" is referring to an X-Box (isn't that something like a Play Station?) It's so corny it's funny. :)

    And then go and watch the Digital Nativity
    that RWC shamelessly stole from me in #3. You'll enjoy it, I know! :))

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  7. Hey annie! I did get the egg/X box joke, they call it the X box 360 (which is one of the versions)in the skit. So the reference to 360 and eggs made it even funnier.

    Have a good sleep :)

  8. Oh, duh! Sorry, Fay. I didn't know that the Xbox is teh 360. You can see how much I needed that sleep. :))

    Glad you liked the skit anyway. It's so funny in that old very English way. Makes me nostalgic for the likes of Benny Hill, Morecambe & Wise... sigh... nothing like English TV at Christmas in the 60s and 70s.

  9. Yes, very English. So funny and clever :D
