Friday, November 5, 2010

A Response on My Election Analysis

In the comments to my remarks on a forming White racial conciousness and the slow, but accelerating transformation, of what is now a pretty useless semi-conservative Republican Party into what its enemies have always said it is, i.e. the White People’s Party, many have raised objections to not seeing race as a factor in this election.

First, so that there is no misunderstanding on this point, let me add as a footnote to my observations that I started out my political life a true believer in the “classic” civil rights position of a color blind society in which government takes notice that one is an American (or not) and no further. However, it has been my experience that this is, in fact, not the case. That the government does, in fact, take race into account on many different levels, from the local police force ordered to allow a riot that ends up with the beating death of a White teenage (Seattle Police), to finding ways around anti-affirmative action laws in college admissions (University of California), to California Assemblymen who refuse to stand for the Star-Spangled Banner, yet leap to attention and salute during the Mexican national hymn (you can find this on You Tube easily).

In addition, one cannot fail to notice that Blacks (NAACP, Urban League, the Congressional Black Caucus) are strictly organized on the basis of race and vote as a unified racial block. Latinos (La Raza, Congressional Hispanic Caucus) are similarly organized and vote as a block which would in any other country be regarded as a solid unified vote (2/3rds, roughly, vote the same every time) except for the presence of the amazingly unified Black vote.

That all around the nation on Tuesday the White Democrat became an endangered species in Red America, plus the exit poll data showing Whites (and, more importantly, White women) voting at 60% Republican, suggests strongly that a counter-reaction against the organization on the basis of race is occurring. In my view, while Blue American continues along more or less with politics as usual, we are seeing in Red America a clear move away from what passes as the current American ideology.

While I understand that people are wary of this for varying reasons (though, I ask, on what basis such concern? Surely if it is okay for there to be a Congressional Hispanic Caucus it is okay for there to be an Congressional White Caucus?), what I believe is being missed here is the deep and abiding hatred of the Elite and Blue America Whites for my people, lower to middle class Jacksonian Red Americans.

In one of his responses, Lewy14 points to a rant at Daily Kos that I believe makes my point for me. It’s important to note three things about this rant: first, that it appears without any hesitation on the part of those who run Kos and that Kos is and has been openly supported by many, many mainstream Blue America Democrats, including in fund raising; second, that its author, Tim Wise, is no mere pajama-wearing leftist, but a highly respected expert on racial affairs, as summarized by his entry at Wikipedia:

"Timothy Jacob Wise (born October 4, 1968) better known as Tim Wise, is a Critical Race Theory author and New Left political activist from the United States. He has lectured since 1995 at over 500 college campuses across the US. He has trained teachers, corporate employees, non-profit organizations and law enforcement officers in methods for addressing and dismantling what he claims is racism in their institutions.

* * *

"In 1995, Wise began lecturing around the country on the issues of racism and white privilege. The following year, he returned to his hometown Nashville, and he continued his work around the US, gaining a national reputation for his work in defense of affirmative action.

"From 1999 to 2003, Wise served as an advisor to the Fisk University Race Relations Institute. Wise received the 2002 National Youth Advocacy Coalition's Social Justice Impact Award as well as the 2001 British Diversity Award, for best feature essay on race and diversity issues. He has appeared on numerous radio and television broadcasts, including The Montel Williams Show, Donahue, Paula Zahn NOW, MSNBC Live, and ABC's 20/20, arguing the case for affirmative action and to discuss the issue of white privilege and racism in America.

"Wise argues that racism in the United States is institutionalized, due to past overt racism and the ongoing effects of that past racism, along with current-day discrimination. Although he contends that personal, overt bias is less common than in the past (or at least less likely to be openly articulated), Wise argues that institutions have been set up to foster and perpetuate white privilege, and that subtle, impersonal, and even ostensibly race-neutral policies contribute to racism and racial inequality today."

Wise is known as an “anti-racism activist” and is warmly welcomed on college campuses and on television, and, more importantly, is recognized by authorities, ranging from police organziations to the United States Government itself, as an expert on race relations. However, it is beyond clear, given his words in which the mask splits, that “anti-racism” is nothing more than “anti-White.” Wise is a racist who hates me, my people and my children and would delight in my family’s destruction. You may think me an extremist, but I will reach for my gun to prevent that from happening, and in my view this is no different than what those men of Massachusetts did so long ago: one must be willing, in the final analysis, to fight for your people are you are simply unworthy of life and liberty.

And third, that this post should be viewed like the legal doctrine of the excited utterance exception to the Hearsay Rule, i.e. that people in the grips of strong emotion are much more likely to speak the truth and reveal their true feelings.


For all y’all rich folks, enjoy that champagne, or whatever fancy ass Scotch you drink.

And for y’all a bit lower on the economic scale, enjoy your Pabst Blue Ribbon, or whatever shitty ass beer you favor.

Whatever the case, and whatever your economic station, know this…

You need to drink up.

And quickly.

And heavily.

Because your time is limited.

Real damned limited.

So party while you can, but mind the increasingly loud clock ticking away in the corners of your consciousness.

The clock that reminds you how little time you and yours have left.

Not much more now.

Tick, tock.

Tick, tock.



* * *

And you will lose.

So make a note of it.

Tweet it to yourself.

Put it on your Facebook wall and leave it there so you’ll remember that I told you so.

It is coming, and soon.

This isn’t hubris. It isn’t ideology. It is not wishful thinking.

It is math.

Not even advanced math. Just simple, basic, like 3rd grade math.

The kind of math that proves how your kind -- mostly older white folks beholden to an absurd, inaccurate, nostalgic fantasy of what America used to be like -- are dying.

* * *

And in the pantheon of American history, conservative old white people have pretty much always been the bad guys, the keepers of the hegemonic and reactionary flame, the folks unwilling to share the category of American with others on equal terms.

Fine, keep it up. It doesn't matter.

Because you’re on the endangered list.

And unlike, say, the bald eagle or some exotic species of muskrat, you are not worth saving.

In forty years or so, maybe fewer, there won’t be any more white people around who actually remember that Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, Opie-Taylor-Down-at-the-Fishing Hole cornpone bullshit that you hold so near and dear to your heart.

There won’t be any more white folks around who think the 1950s were the good old days, because there won’t be any more white folks around who actually remember them, and so therefore, we’ll be able to teach about them accurately and honestly, without hurting your precious feelings, or those of the so-called “greatest generation” -- a bunch whose white contingent was top-heavy with ethical miscreants who helped save the world from fascism only to return home and oppose the ending of it here, by doing nothing to lift a finger on behalf of the civil rights struggle.

It's OK. Because in about forty years, half the country will be black or brown. And there is nothing you can do about it.

* * *

And by then you will have gone all in as a white nationalist movement -- hell you’ve all but done that now -- thus guaranteeing that the folks of color, and even a decent size minority of us white folks will be able to crush you, election after election, from the Presidency on down to the 8th grade student council.

Like I said, this is math. And numbers don’t lie.


Now, note the language itself. This isn’t about healthcare, folks. This isn’t about preferring this or that facet of public policy. This is about the scheduled elimination, through massive minority immigration, legal and illegal, of the historic European-American majority in the United States of America. This is ideological ethnic cleansing, and, while many of you won’t like it, I feel it my duty to report to you that this will not be allowed to happen. And the chances of peacefully avoiding this are passing rapidly.

I hate to paraphrase Trotsky again, but while you may not be interested in race, race is interested in you.

I hate to repeat myself again, but please take note of the political environment we live in which declares a man who joyfully anticipates the destruction of my people and my history is a respected expert consulted by government, while those who oppose this destruction are racist extremists. I beseech you to really think about that and what it means.

This war has begun, just as sure as the polemics and the heated discussion in the 1850’s are now seen as the beginning of the Civil War.


  1. I hate to paraphrase Trotsky again, but while you may not be interested in race, race is interested in you.

    Beat me to it.

  2. People like Wise are snake oil salesmen; the dude makes his living by agitating. Ka-Ching! Has the guy EVER had a real job? I seriously doubt it. If all the races in America suddenly decided to get along, Wise would find a new bogeyman and a new audience to sell it to. Ptooey.

    We have free speech in this country, at least for the moment. Let Wise spew his corny one-liners.

    You do have a point on the voting blocks, but I wonder if those blocks would hold together if all entitlements were ended? I think not.

    I want no part of another civil war. We haven't fully recovered from the last one, as anyone who lives in the South knows. Inflammatory rhetoric and knee-jerk reactions got us embroiled in four years of utter hell last time. Calmer heads MUST prevail this time.

    Let's see if the ballot box puts us on a saner course. However, this racial angst will never fully subside until we insure that ALL MEN ARE EQUAL (no protected or subsidized classes), we cut entitlement spending, and we put a full-stop to the social engineering that has wrecked our schools and our communities.

    Oh, and fixing a broken government and fine-tuning our legal system wouldn't hurt, either.

    Anyway, that's what I'm thinking, when I'm not thinking about the inflation that's about to clobber us between the eyes. Thanks, QE2!

  3. OMG, what did the bloody Queen do now?!?!


  4. lady red - I don't want to go through a civil war either but "cold civil war" is a decent description of what's going on now.

    Tim Wise may be a troll but he is exactly the sort of troll who lectures people at with corporate jobs about "diversity". His comments are career enhancing; swap the colors and they would be career ending.

    People are still afraid of conflict. That's going to have to change.

    Tactically, I think any kind of defensive stance is going to backfire.

    I wouldn't defend the Tea Party by pointing out all the wonderful diversity in it. That kinda concedes something to the people who would call you racist - because by defending yourself, you demonstrate you still care about being thought of as racist. (They won't buy it anyway. Every black who joins the Tea Party is an Uncle Tom - QED.)

    The only real defense is to stop treating "racism" as something open for discussion.

    This doesn't mean being indifferent to the charge - I've called people out on it and charged them in turn with being nakedly aggressive - charges of "racism" are just aggressive power grabs and people who wield them should be treated like the queue-jumpers and aggressive panhandlers they are. "Friends" who pull that shit are dead to me.

    On a more public sphere, charges of "racism" should be treated as an escalation of open hostility - not a matter of civil discourse to be parried with facts and figures.

    Think about it.

    If someone accused you of being a child molester, you wouldn't defend yourself by listing all the ages of your past boyfriends (or girlfriends). You'd be all in their face, and rightly so.

    This is not emotional race-purity fanboyism. This is game theory. Nash equilibrium. Tit for tat.

    If the enemy senses a field you don't want to be on, they will seek battle on that field. Demonstrate fearlessness.

    Israel said it would not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East. It didn't say it never would, or signal fear of doing so.

  5. Point #1: I highly suggest you all read Soul of the Fire by Terry Goodkind. Particularly the parts about the people of Anderith. It's very... interesting and topical.

    Actually, it's part of an 11 volume fantasy series that is an entertaining read when you're looking for something easy and quick. Goodkind is Randian, and he uses that basis in his books.

    Point #2: I'm a part of the same country you all are, and while I see what you're saying, I don't see it at the same level you describe. Nor do I see it increasing any longer. The pendulum seems to be slowly starting its return journey in this. I think people like LTC West, and even Michael Steele (for all his other shortcomings) are at the vanguard of beating this problem back.

    No one getting preferential treatment is going to want to give it up easily, and I foresee a lot of racket being made about it as the Culture of Victimization is attacked. But, I still don't see as an increasing problem, but rather an issue on the (very slow) decline.

    I don't think it is appropriate to have either a Congressional Black Caucus OR a Congressional White Caucus. I think they are BOTH distasteful. Two wrongs do not make a right.

  6. On a more public sphere, charges of "racism" should be treated as an escalation of open hostility - not a matter of civil discourse to be parried with facts and figures.

    I think that's a good point; charges of "racism!" have no place in civil conversation. This whole discussion has been going through my mind since I read that guy's screed the other day. I honestly don't give racism a thought in my day-to-day life unless it's shoved in my face, and to find that it is all-consuming for some who have outsized influence is disconcerting at best (and I'm not going to go near the gleeful anticipation of ethnic cleansing). I'm enough of a grownup to realize that the fact that I do not want something to exist does not mean that it doesn't exist. So I guess I have to figure out how to deal with it.

    But I don't know that returning the hostility would be the best way to meet it. My first experience with charges of racism was my freshman year in college. I was 17, and there was a black guy in my class, who after after about 3 weeks, informed me that he wanted to marry me - I was God's will for his life. After my polite "Um... NO" reaction, he intimated that my dad was a probably a racist, and I was afraid of what he would say.

    I responded to that ignorance the only way I could - I laughed at him. When I could breathe again, I told him that my Marine dad who'd walked out of bars in the South in the early '60s because they wouldn't serve guys for whom he would have died, would have far more issue with the fact that at 23, he'd already been divorced once.

    Funnily enough, he never mentioned it again, though we continued to be co-workers and became friends. As an aside, the professor who had the most impact on him was a white guy from South Carolina, and J was a far different person at the end of those 4 years.

    All that to say, I think that the knee-jerk charge of racism doesn't deserve the seriousness of a returned hostile response; I think they deserve to be roundly mocked, early and often.

  7. Oh - and I fully agree with AFW that I find the idea of a Black/White/Hispanic/Gay/Right-Handed/Chevy Driving/Fill in the Blank Caucus to be counterproductive and think that it undermines the cohesion needed find solutions that will benefit ALL in this unique Union.

  8. I've still got to absorb more of what Jourdan has said, but I'm beginning to see his point his way in today's world. It is unpleasant. I once was a true believer, too, and still insist on trying to be....BUT, the obvious is starting to sink in, too.

    I'm not demanding anyone apologize for their historic culture when they move here, but I am weary of them trying to import it lock stock and barrel with zero assimilation in many places. It's not like that where I live, a densely immigrant community of Muslims, but the MSM and various pundits scream that it long before it really is that way? I've lived elsewhere and I damn sure assimilated to a significant degree, including the language. WTF is going on here?

    I damn sure am not going to apologize for my historic culture, either....yet day after day I seem to hear that I should? Kiss my ancient Celtic arse.

    I am interested to see how the "insurgents" who won in this election handle it all. Rand Paul's, nor his father's, way will do well. No matter I agree with a bit of what they represent, it will not work as a unifying sentiment. Same for the Wasilla cheerleader cum book tourist and travel-log star on TLC.

    More later after I stew a bit more....finding I am in agreement with Jourdan more than I like.

  9. I've been thinking about everything that's been said here. I'm still thinking. Thanks to everyone for the brain-food. :)

  10. Why does the word "Caucus" sound like a description of an indecent act, or effluent body orifice, to me? :-/

  11. I have avoided this discussion, so far.

    Because I am sorry to say that I think Jourdan is probably correct, which flies in the face of beliefs that I learned at my mother's knee, and which I've held for all of my life.

    Because despite what 'white' America thinks, 'black' America has been propagandized into the belief that things are as bad or worse, now, than they have ever been, while latino Americans are being propagandized into believing that they are entitled to California, Texas, and much of the American southwest by 'right of the conquered.'

    This is partially due to the living conditions of large numbers of both populations, and their intense desire to avoid responsibility for their own circumstances, so it must be 'whitey's fault.'

    See, if other African tribes had not sold the ancestors of black Americans into slavery, then they would be living in the paradise which Africa is today, and if those damn Yanquis (never mind the Spanish, who actually did) had not stolen the land from the ancestors of current Latinos, then Mexico would be much larger, a major nation, rather than the third-world Hellhole it now is, and the idyllic conditions which pertain there would spread north to the Washington state border.

    And yes, I know that was sarcastic & snarky, but it seems to be the attitude that infects these particular groups. As if all would be well without the white man around.

    Given the history of Africa and the Americas prior to the coming of the Europeans, does anyone really think that, had they been capable of a renaissance, and the following flower of science and discovery, then had they come upon a Europe with a small population of stone-age, tribal cultures, that a similar history of conquest and victimization would not have occurred, simply with different victims and victimizers?

    They certainly think so. It is fed to them in school and college, or on the streets for those who already have rejected learning for fear of 'acting white.'

    To most of them, as to liberals all over this nation (and much of the rest of the western world) it is all a zero-sum game, and no-one can have anything unless he takes it from another. In other words, there is no concept of wealth creation through work - it is all due to theft.

    Which of course makes it, again, 'all whitey's fault.'

    Unfortunately, this same dreck disguised as history is fed to white children and Asian children, and they are graded on their learning of falsehoods.

    I hope and pray that it never comes to a shooting race war, but I fear that it will. When demands for reparations and reconquista are turned away, I can easily envision a seperatist La Raza turning to terrorism in an attempt to force the giving over of vast tracts of American land, as well as the NBP turning to drug sales, crime, and violence, and calling that justice.

    I certainly do not absolve the white population in this. The treatment of blacks and Mexicans for much of our history has been appalling. But now, even as the playing field is more level than it has been since, well forever, THIS is when the minorities deicde to become strident?

    Given all that, I can also see armed Aryan militias responding with violence of their own until no 'person of color' can be sure of his or her safety.

    In the end, unless things change drastically (and I have no ideas as to how) I foresee a balkanized North America becoming a continent of armed camps, constantly at war with one another. Think of the game of 'Risk' with real guns.

  12. WHEW!! I clicked post and Blogger told me it could not display the web page.

    I thought the above lengthy meandering was lost, and was about to explode.

    It would not have been pretty.

    Blood, bone, hair and a small amount of grey matter spread all over my room like a poor paint job.

  13. Dances, always always ALWAYS copy your comment to your clipboard before hitting the post button! Blogger is a glutton. b-(

    Thanks for your insights. My little brain is still processing this thread.

  14. Lady Red - I actually am partially swayed by your 'tribes' idea, and agree in that I do not think that all members of any minority are the problem, any more than all whites.

    However, I really do think that if bullets start to fly, there wil be no chance for anyone to identify other than by skin color, as horrible as that will be.

    Which leads me to strongly reiterate my hopes and prayers that it does not ever come to that, but with freaks such as Timothy Jacob Wise being accepted as mainstream anti-racialists, it is hard to see how things will get better before they get worse.

  15. The answer to the above is for a real Conservative Party to form and to demand--not ask, demand--a return to Constitutional goverment, the dramatic roll back of the Federal Govt, the return of the Fed Judiciary to its original jurisdiction and, most importantly, the immediate repeal of all laws concerning race and the voluntary disbanding of any and all organizations, public and private, organized on the basis of race.

    And to do this respectfully, speaking to Blacks, Latinos and other minorities as countrymen.

    If the reply is in the positive, then we can move forward, having avoided a conflict.

    If the reply is anything other than the positive, then the differences are irreconcilable and it's better to partition in peace now. The Greeks and the Turks did it and it mostly worked out, and we can do it as well, if we have to.

    If, as I suspect, however, "progressives" continue to push the envelope, the ONLY thing they are ensuring is open conflict.

  16. I believe I mentioned earlier that there is a difference between "tribal" society and mere ethnic related "bands." The former has rudimentary governing structures, the latter does not ... it merely serves a parochial self-interest of the moment.

    I'd not assign "tribal" designation to very many, if any, 3rd world shit holes. Failing to understand this was a white man's error in westward expansion. Finished the book on Quanah Parker, and previously read several on Geronimo and Cochise. Whitey never ever figured out that the "renegades" were not dishonoring a treaty, they simply were ignoring one that they had no part in or were signatory to. Period.

    Comanche or Apache, et al., however you perceive them, realize that they were stone age peoples who discovered horses, who did NOT operate under "tribal structure." Prior to the high plains Comanche who later dominated the Mestizos, and every one else on the southern plains, they were cave dwellers from the Wind River area of Wyoming, until they acquired horses...they had no routine "practices" other than hunting and fighting predatory wars brutally, daily, in "bands" not organized tribes. There first order of business was, of course, killing Apaches. Whitey came later.

    Maybe it's just me, but in my read of history I believe differentiating between hierarchical tribal organization and simple band structure relying upon mystique and charisma. Sitting Bull was killed essentially for his "religious" beliefs, not his non-existent status as a war chief.

  17. Ari, I'm curious - I find your take on American Indian history and culture compelling - what sources are you drawing on?

    My hesitation in ascribing credibility to Indian narratives is that they didn't exactly have many Plutarchs among them - nor camcorders, blogs, etc... and the contemporaneous westerners who dwelt among them from time to time had their own agendas.

    That said, certainly something can be known about the Indians before the introduction of Westerners and their stuffz... but how exactly, and who do you rely on to tell?

  18. Lewy said: "Ari, I'm curious - I find your take on American Indian history and culture compelling - what sources are you drawing on? ... they didn't exactly have many Plutarchs among them - nor camcorders, blogs, etc. ... how exactly, and who do you rely on to tell?"

    Warning ... long boring epistle here.

    Initially my answer vis a vis "sources" is books, extensively footnoted with equally extensive bibliographies ... frequently by avocational (not all, but frequently, in order to avoid the "academic agenda bias" of which you speak) historians and cultural anthropologists. Few are NYT best sellers. This isn't all of it however, regarding Native Americans (or First Nations people) or any other pursuit of history.

    "Plutarch?" Okay, he was human and wrote of kings, scientifically trained, but also wrote of mythology, and seemed to believe an everlasting soul takes a new body on death but is diminished by it if very old. Perhaps compare to the Lakota Souix "Ghost Dance" cult? In short, so how's he better than many "story tellers" among aboriginal Americans? Less structured? Yep. And there lies one of whitey's logical faults ... insisting there must be particular structure. No western tribal band had a singular leader or western whitey type hierarchy ... hierarchy was determined by the subject matter, or topic for discussion. See Council of Forty-four for an example of one of the conglomerations of "bands."

    Archaeologists' findings, of course plays a role, but my first intense interest in history and cultural anthropology per se began with crawling around cliff dwellings in New Mexico at 13 years of age. From there it has been hundreds of books, as well as conversations with descendants when possible ... not a frequent event ... at least where the descent can be verified. Add to that more of the same...e.g., crawling around and exploring.

    Most recent "exploration" was a visit to the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Refuge as BLM Herd Management Area, that is about 80% remote and difficult access. I wanted to "see with my own eyes" whether that overall herd group were really Spanish & Portugese descended as reported .... DNA is one thing (which affirms the pedigree) by "eyes on" is all important to a horseman like me....there are physical characteristics that should be present, not suppressed or regressed geneticially. I was not disappointed ... that herd's various harems all ALL descended as reported, unquestionably...short (14 hands or so) muscular stature, solid feet and legs, thick muscular necks forming a natural arch, and basic colors of the Spanish period, which includes the "Dun Factor" (Dorsal Stripe, plus occasioanl "feather" strips vertically on legs and withers/back ... aka the "zebra dun" referred to in dime novels and Zane Gray books, etc.) predominantly. Here are few photos of the Pryor harems and one dun stallion in particular ... side shot shoes the vertical feather striping on withers. Another is an archetype "grullo" colored dun combined with red-roan. I will be going back, nasty as access's worth every moment.




    My areas of interest are not limited to Native peoples, also covers 19th and 20th century history, in particular wars, from Civil through Vietnam...where I have pretty good reference frames from relatives in each (and the diaries of some), plus my own experience.

  19. Ari, thanks very much. The reference to the Council of 44 is interesting and a good "jumping off" point for future reading.

    My point about Plutarch was simply this: if "history is a set of lies, generally agreed upon" (Napoleon, I think), then the art of writing allows those lies to persist longer, and gain more agreement... and we can see where in history the lies lost acceptance, and new ones formed. Fascinating.

    Plutarch wasn't special, he just wrote stuff down.

    We have accounts of powerful medicine men from millennia ago - Moses and many others (like Hillel) via the Hebrew texts, Plato, Jesus and others via the Hellenic tradition, and also Gautama Siddhartha of India via the Pali canon, Lao Tzu from the Chinese texts, etc. Not the truth, but the stories then current. And we can read how they evolved.

    Can't do this with Native American culture.

    I'm making a fine cup of Ginko herbal tea. (Actually tastes like shit but if you make it strong enough it's a wicked buzz). People have been drinking it in China for (at least) 4800 years. We know, because they wrote it down, and we can still read it.
