Friday, November 5, 2010

Junior High Students Honor Vets

Here's a glimpse of life from the Heartland.

Students who have classes with Zorman understand his deep patriotism and appreciate the intensity he brings to the classroom.

"I see how much he loves the country and how enthusiastic and respectful he is, and I want to be like that," said Heather Pyszka who was one of the readers for the program.

"He was in the Marines for 21 years and you can tell he's really patriotic. He's a great teacher, he makes learning fun," said ROTC cadet Zachary Farmer, who was in charge of the flag detail.

Putting together as many patriotic learning opportunities for students and honoring veterans and their history so thoroughly is a significant amount of extra work for a history teacher with a full schedule. Some would wonder why Zorman does it.

When asked that question, there was a long pause as Zorman composed himself and collected his thoughts. His answer came in a voice crackling with emotion and the pain of loss.

"I remember all of the veterans. I remember all of the ones that have fallen. I remember all their names. I can still see their faces," Zorman said.


  1. I promise to read this properly when I get home I just wanted to swing by and say congratulations to you all as from where I am that looked like a proper old fashioned rout. I'm nervous for my sister and her jobless husband in California but if they will insist on voting left..I don't imagine that State to be sorting out its mess anytime soon either. So many of my colleagues blabbering away on Facebook, all US liberals and all Californian residents in an industry that props up the Dems in that State, seem DETERMINED to wallow in more state spending. They scare me in their witterings.

    Anyway - fabulous result.

    please hook me up on Facebook anyone who wants to? :)

    Happy Guy Fawkes Day

  2. Hey Alison, how are you? I'd love to hook up on FB and I searched your name and found seven matches so I don't know which one is you!

    You can find me (you have my last name from our emails) I'm the only one on FB with that name.

  3. Hi Alison! It's great to see you again! I'll look for you on FB.

  4. Hey ladies - sorry for delay. Will sort today x

  5. HI ladies - i dont seemto be able to locate you by email address which is frustrating. im alison fi on facebook and have poppies has my image today x

  6. Oh, thanks alison!

    /running over to FB...

  7. Success! Friend request headed your way.

  8. Great! All sorted. I'll also share my new blog url with you both soon. Decided to move.

