Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Public Service Announcement

Viva Las Vegas Delenda Est.

Warning: Do not excerpt from the Los Vegas Review-Journal.

Founded in March, the Las Vegas-based Righthaven has begun buying out the copyrights to newspaper content of the Las Vegas Review-Journal for the sole purpose of suing blogs and websites that re-post, or even excerpt, those articles without permission. The company has settled about 60 of 160 cases for a few thousand dollars each, and plans to expand its operations to other newspapers across the country.

In fact I would be wary of posting Las Vegas excerpts of any kind without being fairly certain of the provenance.

Just sayin'!


  1. This is ridiculous. Newspapers, including the LVRJ, get lots of traffic by blog posts excerpting and linking back to the original article.

    Must we now take the time to paraphrase everything that comes from a dying, tits-up rag of a newspaper? The greedy lawyer/vultures are driving the last nail into the print media coffin with this nonsense.

    I refuse to send the government $105 more dollars of my hard-earned money. Nope. Not gonna do it.

    Thank you for the heads-up, lewy.

    For the record, anyone out there who wants to excerpt the stuff I write, FINE. As long as you include a link back to this awesome blog, and give credit for the work, I'm happy as a clam.

    How do you all feel about all of this?

  2. I have read that before.

    While I understand the basic idea of copyright protection, it seems silly to me that a newspaper wants to sue anybody who uses that paper as a source of information.

  3. Am I the only one here who automatically adds "with guitars" every time they read this threadline?
