Friday, November 19, 2010

Has Beck Gone Around The Bend?

Please say yes.


  1. He's really out there this time. What do you all think about the mystery contrail, and what the Beckmeister is saying?

  2. Gone around the bend? Maybe, he is prone to seeing a conspiracy around every corner.

    I still enjoy his program on FNC, I don't listen to the radio show.

  3. It's actually something of a comfort to me to know that the clowns on the "right" are just as batshit crazy as the clowns on the left.

    What I understand about the contrail is that it doesn't look like it comes from a ballistic missile because such a contrail would expand greatly once the missile reached the upper atmosphere.

    Could it have been a cruise missle? Maybe, but that would look more like a - yes - jet aircraft.

    The "rising right out of the water" is a trick of perspective - the plane is flying right at you.

    As an element of statecraft, a missile launch by the Chinese would be insanely high risk (Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0) for absolutely no gain.

    Rogue operation by the Chinese military? Unlikely, not their style.

    In poker terms, China's "stack" is growing but it ain't so big they can just go "all in" and take our chips just like that. What they've been doing is playing (and winning) small hands (like imprisoning Australian mining execs for negotiating too aggressively, ramming Japanese naval vessels near disputed islands and then basically taking Japanese hostages to secure the release of the captain of the boat that did the ramming etc.)

    Many brush back pitches. They're careful not to hit the batter. They're nothing if not patient.

    The country is full of "military experts" who spout quite a bunch of crap. Somebody's probably having fun with Beck (and may hope he discredits himself).

  4. You know, I didn't think much of the "magical contrail" until the gummint said they didn't know what caused it. That's what garnered my fleeting attention.

    I think lewy's analysis is probably spot on. Beck may be wandering into Olby-land.

    Or he may be right. Crap. Who really knows? :)

  5. Yeah, them thar Chi-Coms regularly launch missiles from the tops of the Absaroka Mountains in Montana too!! Every dawn and twilight, when I'm out thar, I sitz on me porch on the Yellowstone river and watch 'em. I figure they're launching from silos in the Mountain tops.

    Oh, wait! ... maybe they're jet aircraft flying over on way to Bozman Airport?

    Reasonable explanation and photographs.

    PS: Mssr. Beck has joined Olbi-Wan-man in over theatric babbling imbecile behavior at this point.

  6. Well, of course, it COULD be Chinese. It could also be Russian, British, American, etc.

    OR, has *Warlord Kang of Atlantis finally decided to test his missiles in preparation for his all-out attack on the surface world?

    *Now THAT, kids, is 'comic-book thinking'.
