Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm So Excited, I Could



  1. Ha ha, good guess lewy but my name's not Stormi.

  2. OMG. Mark Steyn? It must be Mark Steyn. Is it Mark Steyn? :X

  3. lady red wins!

    Mark Steyn it is.

  4. WOW! That's so incredibly awesome!!!!

  5. lady red, I'm almost beside myself with excitement. Steyn is the keynote speaker at the Vancouver Hillel 10th anniversary dinner and we have tickets!


  6. Fay, I'm so excited for you! WOW times 10! WOW times 100!

  7. Hey, that's great, Fay! Man, I'd love to see him; it's always a treat to hear him when he fills in for Rush. He has such a great wit. No doubt, you'll enjoy.

  8. Ooooh! Congratulations! How awesome!

  9. Ooooooo, lucky Fay! I'm crazy about him, I love his books, I love listening to him, hell- I just love LOOKING at the guy!

    Alphie, I really enjoy it when he fills in for Rush too, the "undocumented radio host", lol!!

  10. Maybe I should have had some cards printed up:



    Then I could slip him one and ask him if he wants to be added to the contributor list!


  11. I'm pretty sure I won't get anywhere near him lady red. It's a big gala dinner with hundreds of people attending. Matt and I are probably seated on the table furthest away from the stage LOL!

    Although Matt does have a question prepared in case there's an open mike Q & A.

  12. Maybe I should have had some cards printed up:
    Then I could slip him one and ask him if he wants to be added to the contributor list!


    Yes, we can always dream...

  13. I heard him mention it on Friday. He said he was going to be in Vancouver but there was not a Rush affiliate in Vancouver because it would probably be illegal. I tried calling to tell him that 1) he would actually be speaking in Richmond, and 2) that people in Vancouver can listen to Rush on a clandestine border station (KGMI in Bellingham).

    If I have a chance I will mention it to him, but I certainly would not waste open mic time to do it.

    You know, all I have to do is tell Mr. Steyn about all of the brilliant young ladies we have at the table and he may beg us to let him become a member.

  14. I'm grateful for front and side airbags that deploy at the very second of impact. Otherwise I would be a widow tonight. Matt took my car this afternoon to fill it with gas because we were going to use it for our big night out tonight. He was driving through a green light at the intersection where we live when someone drove straight through the intersection, not only did she blow through the red light, she was in a left turn only lane. The car beside her was stopped for the red light and the car in the opposite direction was also stopped at the red light. Matt was pushed into the car stopped on the otherside of the intersection. Luckily there was minor damage to her car and she wasn't injured. Spent 5 hours in the emergency room and we are now safe at home. My car however is probably a write off but I'll take my husband over a car any day.

  15. HFS. Fay I'm glad to hear Matt's OK. Damn. Cars. Yeah. "They just don't make'em like they used to" and in some cases that's a _good_ thing.

    Question: Did Matt see him coming? When you get hit, it can be better if you don't see it coming - that way you won't brace up - it's actually easier on your body to be a perfectly surpised rag-doll when you get hit.

    It's possible Matt will feel very sore tomorrow. Some chiropractic work and / or Physical Therapy would not be out of place, even if he feels "fine".

    (Yes, I'm shilling for my wife's profession, but I've been hit too (rear ended) and was "fine", and then very sore some days later. This is very common.)

  16. Yes, when it comes to cars lewy I think "they don't make em like they did" is a good thing. The car he was driving was an 09 Nissan Versa we just had the winter tires put on it yesterday that's why we were going to use it tonight. (Two inches of snow here Friday night).

    No, he didn't see the other car he always scans the intersection even when he has the green. The car in the straight ahead lane was stooped, the one that hit him came flying through the left turn only lane (and she was speeding).

    The emergency room doctor told Matt he would be in pain for the next couple of days. He goes to the chiro regularly and would not hesitate to go for this.

    Thanks for the good wishes lewy.

  17. Thanks, Lewy. I don't need to wait a few days to be sore. I am sore already. I did not feel bad when I got out of the car. The first I felt it was when the paramedic asked me to take a deep breath. Then I felt a twinge in my mid-low left side. It has gotten worse as time has gone along.

    Yes, I did see her, but not even long enough for me to even think "oh, shit." I saw her, KNEW something was wrong. Then I opened my eyes, saw that the airbags had deployed (they smell like cap guns) and hopelessly watched as I rolled into the poor woman stopped at the red going the other direction.

    My left ear got a little cut, so I had to get a tetanus shot. I also got a really tiny cut on each lip -- I felt them more than you can see them.

    I am just reallyreallyreallyreally thankful I was not .25-.5 second earlier or I would have had her car in my lap.

  18. Matt, sorry you're sore, but glad to hear you're basically OK - the soreness may take a few days to "peak". Long term you'll be just fine.

    Make apt with the chiropractor and drink a few fat fingers of scotch or something. (Don't forget to hydrate, though). The less your mind and body remember the trauma, the better. SRSLY.

  19. Wow. Glad to hear you're ok, Matt.

  20. Oh Matt, I'm so thankful that you're not badly hurt! You'll probably be VERY sore for the next week or so. If the pain in your side gets worse, please get to the doc right away, okay? It could be a damaged spleen or some other VIP (very important part).

    Fay, your heart must still be racing a mile a minute! I hope you helped Matt sip on the scotch last night.

    For the record, I'll take Matt over Mark Steyn any day. No contest.

  21. I saw a picture of the car on FB this morning. That sucker is smashed but good. Wow.

  22. Whew, Matt. Scary happenings. Very Glad you escaped with just a few cuts and soreness.

  23. I plan on a visit to the Chiro later. Right now I don't feel too bad -- but I just got up. Although the fact I woke up at 7 on a day I wasn't going to work should be a warning sign!

  24. Matt, I'm so glad to hear you are okay, well, all in all I mean.

    And yes on airbags, I've never had the occasion to require their use but it is reassuring to know that they are there if needed.

    Doesn't synchronicity suck sometimes... you had such a lovely evening coming up. Was the other driver a lefty I wonder? :)

  25. Oh wow, Oh Matt, I'm so glad you're okay. How terrifying!

    I'm so thankful you're okay.

  26. Thank you everybody for your kind wishes. The scariest thing about this is the persistant question of "Why?"

    The lady who hit me was:

    Going straight through the intersection.
    From the left-turn-only lane.
    Against a red light.
    Passing cars that were stopped at the light.

    When I entered the intersection I looked to the left. I figured I was safe since I saw that cars were stopped. WRONG!

    Adjusters from both the government insurance company and our suplimental insurance company had a hard time wrapping their heads around everything. "You were turning." "She was turning."

    No, we were both going straight. She was just doing it from the left turn lane against the light and passing people who were stopped. The woman from the government insurance company asked, "What was she thinking?" I told her that is what I had been asking.

    The uselessness of it all is what really scares me. If I had been a quarter second earlier I would have gotten it in the door.

    BC has a graduated license system. A Class 7 licence is good for five years. The woman's license is good until 2015. She is 38 years old.

  27. Oh dear, I'm so glad you weren't hurt even worse, Matt. What an ordeal.

    You know, there's just nothing you can do to protect yourself against idiots on the road except to have airbags and seatbelts. I hope you feel better soon.
