Saturday, October 9, 2010

Truth Can Be A Little Awkward And Offensive

It loads slowly, but is worth watching.

Without this, it REALLY loads slowly.


  1. No, but I did, somehow - it is there now.

  2. It loads slowly, but is worth watching.

    Without this, it REALLY loads slowly.

    LOL. It does load considerable faster with the link.

  3. Gee, someone found the billboard to be "graphic". Did it jostle her gentle sensibilities a bit? Abortion is a horrible, graphic act; the left always has to pretty up their distasteful causes. They aren't pro-abortion, they're pro-choice! Just put a pretty name on it and that sweeps some of the ugliness under the carpet. After all, who except the racist, misogynist right would be against "choice"?!?

    Wonder what they'd think of televised abortions? Those who think abortions are great should have no problem with that - or find them "graphic".

  4. caveat: I haven't watched.

    florrie - you are spot on there.

  5. I still can't get the link to work, but that's okay...I can imagine.

    You're so right, florrie. Put a pretty name on it and sweep it under the rug; then they pat themselves on the back and look around to see who's noticing how "modern" and "progressive" they are. It's ghastly.

  6. I gave the wrong impression, afw & lady red. It's a video showing a billboard from a pro-life group directed at teenagers. The video (and billboard!) are not graphic at all, in my opinion.

    I just get riled up when I hear such an incredibly dopey response that it's "graphic".
