Saturday, October 9, 2010

Ellis Dee?

Sorry, folks, but John Lennons 70th birthday has thrown me back into my (admittedly drug-sodden) youth.

So, give this time to load, make it full-screen, and turn it up.

And remember that you were young once, too.


  1. As I've mentioned here before, I'm the only person I know who saw The Beatles live. Back then Ringo was my favourite because he had the big crooked nose (just like mine).

    I loved everything by The Beatles until Sgt Peppers. Then I started to discern between Paul and John songs. John songs were, (are?) the best without a doubt. John hated a lot of Paul's songs. When I'm 64 was a Paul song.

  2. As I've mentioned here before, I'm the only person I know who saw The Beatles live.

    Keep rubbing it in, Fay. Keep rubbing it in... : P

    John hated a lot of Paul's songs. When I'm 64 was a Paul song.

    Pffft- what did John know?

  3. "Keep rubbing it in, Fay. Keep rubbing it in... : P"

    I will, I will, LOL.

    Ah, how lovely for you and Mrs. Alphie!

  4. I started singing it after about three words :-) Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Dances...

  5. Fay, back then, George was my favorite because I figured I had the best chance with him.

