Saturday, October 9, 2010

Will You Still Need Me, Will You Still Feed Me?

Actually, John Lennons 64th birthday was 6 years ago, today.

He would be 70, now.


  1. And, in actually important news, an escape tunnel has reached the Trapped miners in Chile, today.

    They expect and hope to start bringing the men out, one at a time, by next Tuesday.

  2. Hey, no talent Yoko-cow is still around. Next up, maybe, protesting the U of Illinois-Chicago's denial of Emeritus status to Bill Ayers?

  3. I'm glad they reached the miners so quickly. At one point, they thought it might be Christmas before the men could be freed.

    Those lucky chaps had better think "skinny", because that capsule contraption designed to bring them to the surface is VERY narrow. /shudder

    Yoko? What's a "Yoko"?

  4. And for any who might still be missing it, 'When I'm Sixty-Four'

  5. I tried to link to YouTube 'When I'm Sixty-Four' and blew it yet again.

  6. Now I am just playing Beatles music on YouTube, mixing Sergeant Pepper and Revolver.

    And lamenting my lost youth.

  7. One of my many Beatles faves. In fact, Mrs Alphie & I used this as the cake cutting song at our wedding reception.

  8. Aww, that's pretty neat, Alphie. Hard to believe John Lennon has been gone all these years, he was a shit but I love his music!

    I thought it was interesting that Cynthia and Julian dedicated a bronze sculpture in his honor at a Liverpool Park. Yoko did a "performance" in Iceland. I was surprised by neither. Julian sure looks like his dad.

    Here is a little video snippet, it's in Russian but that's all I can find this late at night :-) I know Dances will get a kick out of it...

    Dedication for John Lennon's birthday.
