Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Chinese Professor

HT: Instapundit.


  1. Very good points. I wish the people in government would realize how stupid they are.

    On second thought, they probably know exactly what they are doing. As long as they have theirs, what do they care?

  2. I like it the clip in part because it does not demonize the Chinese or blame them for all our problems - they are portrayed as strategic rivals, not strategic enemies. Which is (IMHO) close to the truth.

    They are not happy fun strategic playmates; they are not Imperial Japan or Kruschev 's USSR either.

  3. The Chinese are smart and industrious, just like we used to be. I don't blame them for ANY of our problems.

    We the voters are at fault. We keep electing the same corrupt, lazy morceaux de merdi over and over.
