Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams Fired!

National Public Radio has sacked Juan Williams for political incorrectness.

The move came after Mr. Williams, who is also a Fox News political analyst, appeared on the “The O’Reilly Factor” on Monday. On the show, the host, Bill O’Reilly, asked him to respond to the notion that the United States was facing a “Muslim dilemma.” Mr. O’Reilly said, “The cold truth is that in the world today jihad, aided and abetted by some Muslim nations, is the biggest threat on the planet.”

Mr. Williams said he concurred with Mr. O’Reilly.

He continued: “I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”

Unbelievable.  The world has gone crazy.  Mr. Williams and I may disagree on many issues, but I believe him to be a sincere, brilliant, and classy guy.  He didn't deserve to be fired.


  1. I *like* Juan Williams. He can discuss things civilly, something too many other commentators are incapable of.

  2. So Juan Williams tells the truth, and is fired from NPR.

    I was thinking of contributing this time, (pledge week is going on even as I type) mainly to get the internet radio they are offering as a premium.

    But I heard this story on my way to work, and decided, once again, Naaaaaaahhh.

  3. I think the key bit is this:

    they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims

    I'm not familiar with Juan Williams. But decoding what he said to O'Reilly, I'm guessing he's well versed in the calculus of identity politics, and he knows quite well what identity first entails when confronting "identified" Muslims.

  4. Fox is really playing this up today - but even Whoopi Goldberg supported Juan Williams in this. And the latest statement by NPR was so totally out of line I think that a physical slap wouldn't be too much of a response.

    Juan Williams should have kept his feelings about Muslims between himself and "his psychiatrist or his publicist."

    REALLY? What an unprofessional bitch! And if she hadn't made it clear that Juan Williams just wasn't one of the "gang" and had to be kicked to the curb previously, she surely did then.

    This isn't the first time NPR has been bitchy to Williams - for awhile there, they told him he was not allowed to use "NPR Commentator" in his title when he was speaking on Fox. I believe they also tried to lay down that law with Mara Liasson (who was conspicuously absent from the 6 pm slot today).

    If NPR wants a strict agenda - fine. They need to do it without government money, then.

    lewy - Williams has written numerous books about the Civil Rights movement and racial identity.

  5. The backlash from this will be enormous. Liberals and conservatives are joining ranks and blasting NPR. Karl Rove and Whoopi agreeing? I think a pig just flew by.

    AFW, I'm with you on the physical slap. That bitch should be FIRED.

  6. I was just watching Mr. Williams on The Factor. He looks gut-shot.

  7. Well, being shunted aside like that has to sting.

  8. Sooooo...

    How come the President hasn't weighed in yet? He's usually much quicker on the draw than this.

  9. I've always liked Juan. I emailed him after he hosted The O'Reilly Factor and told him how much more I enjoyed the show with him as the interviewer :-)

    I'm not at all surprised by this turn of events. NPR has always had it in for their 2 people who are also FNC spokespersons. They made Maura Eliason (sp?) watch hours of FNC programming in order to see their bias. She still decided to stay with FNC as a political commenter. She's next, IMO (and she has also been deafeningly quiet on Juan's firing).

    Did anyone catch Ibrahim Hooper on the Megyn Kelly show this am? Hoo boy...

  10. Sooooo...

    How come the President hasn't weighed in yet? He's usually much quicker on the draw than this.

    Because Juan's obviously a Tom! He was debating something with another black guest a while back on FNC and the guy told him to "stay on the porch". Juan's head exploded.

    After reading your #4, afw, I see I said pretty much the same thing in my previous comment.

    GMTA! :-)

  11. afw - thanks - I just read Williams' own account of what went down.

    I like him. I don't agree with all of what he wrote but I have to say I'm pretty close to his views on a bunch of things.

    Note to black people: white stuck up self righteous liberal punks like those that run NPR are not your friends.

    Their only cause is their own sense of righteousness. If your interests and expressions do not further their own desperate need to feel superior, they will run over you with every bit of the viciousness they project on everyone else.

  12. But, you see, NPR is a neutral, apolitical network that presents both sides of issues equally.

    Hey, will you hold it down? I can't think with you laughing like that.

  13. BTW, lewy, you are right in your advice to black people.

    Now that they've fired Juan, they have a grand total of ZERO black men employed as political pundits/journalists at NPR.

  14. But Florrie, Juan William was an Oreo, not really black!

  15. But Florrie, Juan William was an Oreo

    "Mongrel". I think that's the POTUS approved term.

    I'm a mongrel too - mixed breed. I got some Anglo and Saxon.

  16. Now, in a spirit of paranoia, I will offer the observation that George Soros, who has been a lrge contributor to NPR for some time, just gave them $1.8 million to hire 100 'local political reporters' and wonder if there was a quid pro qou.

  17. Of course there is, DWT. He also gave HuffPo a cool million to "take down Fox". Firing Juan Williams is a shot across the bow to anyone who might agree to appear on Fox, even as a guest pundit. It's an intimidation tactic.

    The other "news" organizations are already in his pocket. Fox has jabbed their thumb in Soros's eye one too many times; now he will use his obscene wealth to "fundamentally change" freedom of speech.

    For ideology? Nope. He does it for money and power.

    Anyone, from either side of the political spectrum, who tries to shut down freedom of speech is the enemy. I hope black voters see the true face of their overlords with this thuggery.

    I'm a mongrel too - mixed breed. I got some Anglo and Saxon.

    Florrie, LMAO!!

  18. I saw a video of the CAIR spokesman on Fox. He admitted that NPR had a liberal slant, and that Juan Williams did not fit in because he was more conservatative.

    So much for NPR being neutral -- not that we here were laboring under that assumption.

  19. Note to black people: white stuck up self righteous liberal punks like those that run NPR are not your friends.

    Their only cause is their own sense of righteousness. If your interests and expressions do not further their own desperate need to feel superior, they will run over you with every bit of the viciousness they project on everyone else.

    I think you should also include women, gays, Hispanics, and any other sub-group that might pop up in your memo heading.

  20. Note to black people: white stuck up self righteous liberal punks like those that run NPR are not your friends.

    Their only cause is their own sense of righteousness. If your interests and expressions do not further their own desperate need to feel superior, they will run over you with every bit of the viciousness they project on everyone else.

    Spot on, lewy. Excellent. That's EXACTLY it.

  21. afw/lr - makes me sad. These are my people. I'm only so harsh because I know them firsthand.

    I guess I'm a self-hating new england preppie. :(

  22. But Florrie, Juan William was an Oreo, not really black!

    Oh, that's right, Matt! I forgot no REAL black with street cred would be a FNC regular...

  23. lady red, you are right on about Soros and the timing of this thing. The push for action against Juan by CAIR was the tipping point, IMO. Media Matters is now calling for Maura Eliason to be dismissed from FNC as well. I am anxious to hear her take on all this.

    (BTW, can't take credit for the Anglo & Saxon gibe, that was lewy's comment! :-)
