Friday, October 22, 2010

The Stark Reality of ObamaCare

At ground level, the rolling tide that is ObamaCare is beginning to lap up on the steps of small, regional hospitals.

BRMC CEO Ron Peterson told The Baxter Bulletin earlier this month that the hospital anticipates declining Medicare reimbursements to the tune of $4 million a year over the coming 10 years. He said the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is expected to provide funding to cover uncompensated care to offset scheduled reductions in Medicare reimbursements.

Peterson said the equation the law uses to calculate the trade-off doesn't immediately offer an equitable exchange for a hospital like BRMC that relies on Medicare reimbursements for 65 percent to 70 percent of its operating revenue.
Peterson and BRMC officers met with employees Thursday to explain cost-cutting measures anticipated now and into 2011, including the following:

 Elimination of merit pay increases during 2011

 29 current personnel vacancies at BRMC will not be refilled

Unless ObamaCare is repealed and smarter policies put in place, I anticipate that hospitals like this one will eventually close their doors.  The new guidelines for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements don't pay the bills, and unfortunately, in retirement communities and poor communities, this will mean limited or no health care.  In towns like this one, it would also dump 1,300 more people onto the unemployment rolls.

I'll let the people who supported this monstrosity of a health care "fix" explain to you how all of this is a "good" thing.   Something about a magical, rainbow money-tree...oh, and you're a racist.


  1. This is a horror story. And like most, the creature raised by these unholt rights held in Washington this past summer, will be extremely difficult to kill.

    But it must be done, or the future of the country, at least, is in danger.

  2. That would be much funnier if it was not so true, Lewy.

    I hope that is what we are going to do one week from tomorrow. Hire a large number of lobbyists, I mean.

    It is odd that they chose Republican Whip Eric Cantor to quote, however. When it comes to listening, at least he tries, with his 'youcut' website.

  3. The Onion really captured the frustration so many people are feeling. It should be funny, but it's not. I guess it strikes too close to the bone.

    You could substitute almost any name for Cantor's, but yeah, I thought it was a weird choice too, DWT.
