Thursday, October 7, 2010

Brett, Say It Ain't So....

I thought my heart would break when Brett Favre ditched my beloved Packers to pursue his quest for NFL immortality. Even though I knew I should rise above the occasion and wish him the best, part of me was angry because he flushed loyalty down the commode. Could the man I once admired so greatly be a fraud?

I didn't believe a word of this story until I heard the audio. Warning: NSFW or kids or decent folks. Pictures of an unimpressive weenie.

I may not know a lot, but after all these years I know the sound of Favre's voice.

Just shoot me.


  1. I'm so utterly bummed.

    Crap on toast.

  2. Sadly this kind of thing just doesn't seem so egregious to me these days. Obviously I've become somewhat numb.

    Knavery itself has become debased.

  3. I'm sorry, but I thought Farve was a class act when he was with Green Bay, but I thought he has blown that to pieces with all this "I'm gonna retire. what d'ya mean your not gonna take me back now that I changed my mind" and its yearly variants.

    I think Joe DiMaggio was class. When he retired, someone told him that he was still a good player. Joe replied, "But I don't play like Joe DiMaggio."

    Am I 100% convinced that it is Farve voice on the tape? No, but with the "It's all about me" schtick he has been pulling, it would not surprise me. I kinda agree with Lewy.

  4. You want class....Roberto Clemente....and many, many other PA players. Mean Joe, Bradshaw, Van Slyke...etc.

    And of course a non PA player, Cal Ripken. Now that is a class act.

  5. lady red, WTH happened with our Brett.

    He now resides in Ickville, far as I'm concerned.


  6. Florrie, I know! I can't stand to even watch him play now. Ptooey.
