Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why, Yes, It Is A Referendum

From the Republican National Governor's Conference.

"I have done a terrific job"  {snicker}


  1. Mr. Obama, sir. Let's say a program has a cost of $1,000,000.

    100% of $1,000,000 is $1,000,000,000.

    You cannot cut the cost a program more than it costs now. If you cut it 100%, the program now costs nothing.

    So how can you say that costs were going to be cut by 3000%?

    Oh, we are supposed to be thankful that unemployment isn't 12,13, or 15%? I thought you promised that unemployment would not go over 8% if we passed the stimulus bill.

    Or could it just be that you are a liar of the first order?

    I am sure you believe that things are heading in the right direction -- considering your goal is to destroy the country. But those of us who want the United States to be a strong vibrant country aren't buying it.

  2. "100% of $1,000,000 is $1,000,000,000."

    Somewhere in there are either too few or too many zeroes, right?

  3. Are you iisntuating that I make typso?

  4. RadioMatt said: "Oh, we are supposed to be thankful that unemployment isn't 12,13, or 15%?"

    Whatchumean "isn't"....where I live it is "officially" north of 13%, and actually closer to 25% (nearer 50% in Detroit proper in the younger demographics). Da man is takin' care o'his peeps. Would that be white Hawaiian liberals or yellow Indonesians? Damn sure isn't anyone black....hell look at his press secretary...any snide & snot nosed whiter and he'd have to wear rouge or become a Geisha.

    RadioMatt said: "Or could it just be that you are a liar of the first order?"

    Hell, man, they'd be a step UP! He really is a Manchurian candidate writ large...except he is bereft of any real world knowledge, clueless as can be, and a total empty suit manipulated by his "Czars" and told what to do by the Queen Regent Pelosi.

    Don't think so? Obie and Rahmbo (the fraud) tried to take a moderating step in the health care debate to acomodate Rep Stupak. Mz Nancy stepped in AT the White House, bitch slapped Obie and Rahmweenie in to line, and bent Stupak over the couch for a reaming and advice to seek more time with his family. It was Stupak's coterie of reluctant votes that passed the Pelosi plan (now named for Obama, heh heh)once their leader was emasculated.

    Empty suit Obama doesn't do anything except give speeches with gifted, but idiotic rhetoric.

  5. Ari -- I know that unemployment is that high. I was referring to what the liemeister said in the video. Everything I said referred to comments from Obama in the video. My point was that this one comment from Obama exposed multiple lies: 1) He said unemployment would not reach over 8% if the stimulus was passed 2) He was telling us that we should be grateful that unemployment was not that high when either a) it was then or b) it was going to be.

    The thought of him being a, err, the Manchurian candidate has crossed my mind many times. Other than read from a teleprompter, he has not done anything. Any plan "he" has is because, at best, he told others that he wants a plan. I cannot think of anything he, himself, brought to the table. At the press conference about his first Executive Order he had to ask someone what was in it. The Executive who issued the Executive Order had not even read the damn thing.

  6. "Liemeister" is right. But he's neither a good one, nor original one. I actually believe he is proof that years of education can still leave you ignorant and stupid.

    He is Pelosi's bitch-boy.

  7. "I actually believe he is proof that years of education can still leave you ignorant and stupid."

    That is the whole idea. People with "education" are led to believe that they are better than everyone else. They don't really learn anything, but common sense is removed.

  8. Well, if the man has a brain in his head, he hasn't displayed much of it. He doesn't even have street smarts. At this point, I think Alvin Greene would make better decisions and exhibit more common sense. Of course, Alvin doesn't have an elite education, so of course he would be smarter.

    Empty suit, empty noggin.

  9. Y'all have fun.... I am off to Montana tomorrow AM early. Not sure, at this point, whether I will have Internet connectivity or not (seems the WWAN module is sitting on a counter about 130 miles north if here...not in the mood for a round trip today). Anyway, I have not "flounced." :D

  10. LOL! Never would I believe that you "flounced". Flouncing is for...well...flouncers.

    Around here, we "depart with dignity". Hah! :))

    Have a great time, aridog. We'll be envying you while you're gone...and patiently waiting for awesome pictures of your trip!

  11. Wow, I'm glad I didn't miss that video, Dances, it gave me chills.

    I loved reading the comments from Matt & Aridog (also the snippet from lady red about Alvin Green :-).

    Thank heavens the tide will change in a little over 2 weeks. The Rossi/Murray debate is on right now and - although neither is really an eloquent public speaker - Rossi is talking off the cuff and from the heart whereas Murray looks like the standard pol-bot (typified by Coons last night in that CNN debacle vs O'Donnell).
