Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Victor Perez: HERO

An 8-year-old girl who was abducted by a stranger while playing outside a Fresno home escaped from her captor after Perez recognized the suspects vehicle and cut it off, forcing it to stop, police said. The suspect pushed the girl out of the car, and she ran to safety.

Mr. Perez put his own life on the line to save an abducted little girl.  In this photo, he's being thanked by the police department.  Dude, you rock!

You can read the awesome story here.


  1. America won't be saved by Congress, the President, or something "there oughta be a law!" about.

    It is people like this who do what is right and necessary even though the consequences could be dire that will save America.

    If I ever meet him, beer's on me.

  2. afw, you said it exactly right.

    I thank heavens for people like Mr. Perez, he is a real hero.

    A gang member that sexually assaulted an 8 yr-old girl. The world seems to be filled with more and more of these evil people, I'm glad I have more behind me than ahead of me.

  3. "I thank God he put me here to help out that little girl — that's for sure,"

    Amen. And I thank Him that it was you who saw it, and would do something, rather then just turn away.

  4. One of the reasons that slime balls feel more free than ever to cause trouble is because they know people have been conditioned to "not cause any trouble." This just emboldens the pukes. They just don't know what to do when a Mr. Perez comes along.

    "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

  5. And also because when, decent, hard working, citizens stand up for their rights and try to protect their property, they are faced with this.

  6. Fay - that is HORRIBLE! I can't believe it!

  7. OMG Fay. The justice system in Canada has careened off the rails!

    Mr. Chen deserves a commendation and a Molson's for getting that creep off the streets.

  8. The thing is, we all used to be raised to react to such situations exactly as Mr. Perez did. That was what we were supposed to do - we were not supposed to be unwilling to fight (everyone is afraid to fight, it's dangerous. Not being afraid of fighting means you have something wrong in your head).

    Now, we're all so afraid of being sued by the burglar in our house that we cower and let them do what they will to us. And how can I blame people with that fear? Look at what happened to Chen!
