Monday, September 6, 2010


As Democrats brace for a November wave that threatens their control of the House, party leaders are preparing a brutal triage of their own members in hopes of saving enough seats to keep a slim grip on the majority.
In the next two weeks, Democratic leaders will review new polls and other data that show whether vulnerable incumbents have a path to victory. If not, the party is poised to redirect money to concentrate on trying to protect up to two dozen lawmakers who appear to be in the strongest position to fend off their challengers.

I've never seen anything quite like the panic and desperation that's gripping the Democratic Party.  Pelosi and her ratpack are grabbing people by the lapels and throwing them overboard, a strategy sure to alienate more of their crumbling base, and possibly even swell the ranks of the tea party protesters.

November is right around the corner.


  1. I'm wondering if I shouldn't be more concerned that real, normal people take over the Republican Party than that the Republican Party takes over Congress.

  2. Oh - I'm just catching up, and I see once again I agree with afw.

    I should just code up a button, save everyone some time... :)
