Monday, September 6, 2010

Another Rotten Idea

President Obama, floundering in the face of rising unemployment and national discontent, is proposing yet another massive influx of taxpayer cash into the US economy in the form of "rebuilding infrastructure".  The proposal, front-loaded with a cool $50 billion, will create busy-work for a few select companies, tearing up and rebuilding roads, runways, and railways. 

We've all seen the work crews who man these government-financed projects; one man working while a dozen more stand around watching.  These companies hire few, if any, local workers.  The stimulus impact of these projects is virtually zero.

If Obama feels this would be a good time to rebuild infrastructure, why did he select roads, runways, and railways?  Our electrical grid is falling apart.  Our sewer and water systems are antiquated, with pipes crumbling to dust.  Why not start there?

This is another rotten idea wrapped around our necks by a clueless president and the "intellectual elites" surrounding him.  It will do nothing to stimulate the economy, and only further drain the national coffers. 

That's my two cents.  What's yours?


  1. "why did he select roads, runways, and railways? Our electrical grid is falling apart. Our sewer and water systems are antiquated, with pipes crumbling to dust. Why not start there?"

    Because roads, railroads and airports are much more visible, therfore more likely to get him and his party more votes.

    Remember, in his view, we are all pretty stupid, and need to be hit over the head to recognize what is good for us.

  2. I agree with you lady red, and clueless is a good adjective for him although I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps megalomaniac isn't more applicable.

    To tell you the truth, I can't stand the sound of his voice or even looking at him any more. 2012 can't come fast enough.

    BTW, that's a great point, Dances, you are insightful, as always.

  3. Rebuilding infrastructure? Isn't that what his original stimulus bill was supposed to do?

  4. Matt, yes! I don't know what in hell happened to THAT stack of money. DWT is right; Obama thinks we're all stoopid.

    Florrie, I know what you mean. Any time he comes on TV, we switch channels (while hurling at few expletives at the screen). Haven't done that since Jimmah was prez...

  5. Way off topic... but I just have to share this graph I just ran across.

    That cluster at the top left... jeeze.

    The U.S. as religious outlier

  6. Epic flail. (sic).

    I'll tell you what happened to the infrastructure spending in the first stimulus bill - Robert Reich (among others) agitated against spending too much on infrastructure spending, since it might find its way into the pockets of white men, who are disproportionately represented in the construction trade.

    I shit you not.

    The thing is, if you buy into the Keynesian thing, fifty billion is chump change - not enough to matter. Krugman is probably pissed - way too small an amount. Krugman wants the Fed to print a couple trillion.

    I shit you not.

    Some crazy motherf?@#&%$ running the show, I tell ya...

    florrie, I sympathize, but stay cool... not for O's benefit, but for yours. You know what I mean.

    Luther - wassup d00d! - the graph is certainly interesting - but (as I commented on another survey, that Fay had posted about) I think social pressure has a lot to do with this.

    Happy fun pollster approaches average Indonesian person - is religion important to you? Not safe to say no.

    Happy fun pollster approaches average Swede and asks the same question - not safe to say yes.


    The USA is perhaps one of the few countries where you can get a straight answer.

  7. Okay, off topic here, but lady red mentioned Jimmy Carter so I have to share.

    We were teasing my evil blond child about the boxing name she has yet to choose. I told her I was going to call her "Fluffy Pink Bunny."

    My 12 year old retorted, "Who is going to be scared by THAT name? Except Jimmy Carter, I mean."

    There is serious smartassery going on in my house. Also, I'd put her up against any other 12 year old in the country on Jeopardy.

  8. I've always said the delightfully evil blond youngest rocks :D

    No, I seriously doubt she will adopt the moniker "Fluffy Pink Bunny" x(

  9. AFW said: "There is serious smartassery going on in my house"

    Gee? I wonder where that comes from?=))

  10. Obviously, Aridog, they get it from their father. :P

    Female boxing starts in the 2012 Olympics. Evil Blond Child's first chance will be 2016, and her coach thinks she has the potential, if she can button down and do the training.

    That is the most stubborn child on Earth when it comes to getting what she wants, though. So if she wants it, I'm sure she'll do it.

    We can have a huge cheering section!

  11. You know what? I'm going to suggest "Evil Blond" as her boxing name.

    I mean, really. There's no reason why internet nicknames should not also be boxing names. There's a congruent degree of ridiculousness as the theme in both.

    And it's nowhere near as ridiculous as "Pac Man". Or "Lights Out". Or "Big Daddy".

    BTW - True Story

    I was at the gym close to a year ago wearing my "Who's Your Baghdaddy?" shirt. Big Daddy was also there, and commented that I was wearing his name on my shirt.

    I didn't quite know how to respond to that, because, well. I wasn't. But he's... well. Um. Been hit a lot. You know what I mean?

    He is one of the most congenial people I've ever met, though. Truly.

  12. AFW said:"Obviously, Aridog, they get it from their father."

    Sure! Yeah, right, if you say so ... :D

  13. My 12 year old retorted, "Who is going to be scared by THAT name? Except Jimmy Carter, I mean."

