Thursday, September 30, 2010

Like Rats Off A Sinking Ship

This morning's Fox News headline:  "Congress Flees D.C. Without Passing Budget".

Battle-weary members of Congress are coming soon to neighborhoods near you to press for re-election, more eager to campaign before angry constituents than compromise in Washington on tax cuts, child nutrition or a federal budget.

No budget?  I say we kick them ALL to the curb.  Congress, you're FIRED.  Toodles!

I was watching a news clip last night about Finland.  Finland is number one in education in the entire world.  Finland has THREE teachers in every classroom.  Finland's teachers are hired from the top 10% of college graduates, and they ALL have masters degrees.  Additionally,  Finland spends LESS per student than the United States.

Instead of trying to save their lousy jobs, perhaps Congress should examine what Finland is doing right, and stop flushing our hard-earned cash down the loo.

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