Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Miriam's Ideas

The lovely and talented AirForceWife has discovered a great new blog. Kindred spirit? Quite possibly!  Give her a read and see what you think.

And in other TCKT news, the Canucks stomped San Jose 3-1 to wind up their preseason schedule.  Cory Schneider started for an injured Roberto Luongo, stopping 23 shots.  Is that good?  I don't know!  Ask Fay.  Or Matt!  Or lewy.  Or aridog!  Or Jourdan.  Or...or...

Note to self:  watch more hockey.


  1. AFW, I added Miriam to our blogroll. :)

  2. Heh heh. A hockey thread? Fay in 3..2..1..:X

  3. Note to self: watch more hockey.

    Puck buddies!


  4. "the Canucks stomped San Jose 3-1 to wind up their preseason schedule. Cory Schneider started for an injured Roberto Luongo, stopping 23 shots. Is that good? I don't know!"

    Hmm...we need to get lady red some accurate NHL reporting.

    The 3-1 win over San Jose was not the last pre-season game for the Canucks. They played San Jose again last night and lost 6-2. Their final pre-season game is Friday against the Anahiem Ducks.

    No matter, no one really cares about the pre-season. You keep your best guys OFF the ice at all times. And you let the rookies fight it out on ice for a shot at the team.

    Stopping 23 shots is pretty average. Of course it depends how many shots there were in total to determine whether it was good or not. Saving 23 out of 23 is, of course, great! If he saved 23 out of 40...then not so great:)

    The "real" season begins Sat Oct 9 against the LA Kings...

  5. Thanks for the plug. But--what's it got to do with hockey?

    Not that there's anything wrong with that!

  6. Hi miriam! Nice to see you!

    It has absolutely nothing to do with hockey. I'm a little scatterbrained that way...throw unrelated topics into the pot, stir well, add a pinch of salt, and publish! Hah! :)
