Sunday, August 1, 2010

TCKT Caption Contest?

I finally got this cartoon scanned in, (maybe too late for the proper impact) and decided that I would see what others thought about a caption/title.  I do have a few of my own, which I will put into a comment.


  1. OK, my captions/titles are:

    "Welcome to the 'hood"

    "The 'torch' has been passed"

    "Racial progress?"

  2. You missed the crescent on the NBPP robe. The original BPP would have been a hammer & sickle. Otherwise, good to go.

  3. I like "Welcome to the 'hood". It gives me chills.

    Your cartoon is excellent, DWT. I hope we'll see more!

  4. Please to excuse, but I forgot the "Knights' Templar Cross" emblem (King George's Cross) that should adorn the KKK tunic.
