Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Summer Of Recovery

The United States Post Office lost 3.5 billion dollars...IN THREE MONTHS.

Almost 41 million Americans are now receiving food stamps. This is an all-time record. In response, our elected representatives cut 12 billion from the food stamp budget in order to avoid teacher layoffs.

Social Security is operating the red.

Jobless claims are up (unexpectedly) and spending is sluggish.

And from CNN's front page: ovulating women buy sexier clothes.

Let's have a cocktail, shall we? Lewy's buying. Three week old white whiskey for everyone!


  1. Yeah, but you forgot the most important stuff like who's going to be the new judge on Amerocan Idol.

    Sheesh woman, priorities, damn it!

  2. Hey, I thought the "ovulating women" thing was awesomely trivial! :)

  3. And to whom are these negative economics figures "surprising?"
