Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Band I Am Missing At This Year's Fair

Certainly better than the band I missed last year.


  1. DWT - I just cleaned up the HTML a bit for ya'.

    I like ZZ Top but they remind me of muppets.

    In fact... not much difference!

  2. Lewy, LMAO!

    Joan Jett and the Blackhearts are playing at the Ozarks Fair. It's almost worth the trip to Springfield! (except for the crowds and the massive heat wave.)

  3. Joan Jett is goddess... specifically an avatar of Shakti. Which is why it's hard to focus on her...

  4. Two dates for Joan Jett in Vancouver BC - one in September. Let's all go! We'll crash at Matt and Fay's place. They'll have a floor full of drunk people in sleeping bags, with 18 year old attitudes and 40+ hangovers. Awesome.

  5. Great idea, lewy! Fay and Matt won't mind. Let's bring the dogs, the goldfish, and the in-laws. And florrie's plants! All of them!


    Oh, and reserve me a 50+ hangover. Whatever! (isn't that what the kids say these days? We may need a guidebook for the "18 year old attitude" stuff. We're all a wee bit out of practice. Heh!)

  6. LOL Lewy!

    And you're right lady red, it's for sure 50+ hangovers here :))

  7. Hi Fay and DWT! Gee, I can't believe there are three of us here at the same time. You'd think we all have LIVES or sumpthin'. :)

  8. Hi lady red, just browsing before we pop out for dinner.

  9. Oolala! A dinner date with a handsome man...;)

    Have fun!

  10. I'm just popping in too, heading out to do the weekly shopping.

    I haven't ever seen ZZ Top in Concert but would really enjoy it.

    Muppets? LMAO!!!

  11. You might be missing a band at your state fair, here were missing a state fair. Arguably the oldest state sponsored fair in the country dating to 1849.

    Not this year, nope, too expensive. Gone forever. Gotta keep all those full time Legislators in Lansing paid...never mind we're one of only 4 states with full time Legislatures.

    Dang. No where else to cut. No one else to raise taxes on...yet, until they get the use tax on all services passed.

    The Michigan government should have an old time barber pole for a symbol. They "bleed" you to make you healthy and prosperous.
